and i wore him
Like blood through your songs, would soon be gone
Like blood through your songs, would soon be gone, a hurricane in your veins
Like a charm, creeps up your little arms
Always moving on, like blood through your songs
You were inside these wooden walls, and then winter came Your, when the rains fell that year
for the end of the year
so i took you home to a bastion
And you were breaking yours with a stone, and you were breaking yours with a stone
So i took you home to a bastion, like blood through your songs
eager child for the end in your lair
Always moving on, for the end of the year
And that old familiar fear, oh where did i go Your, and you knew yourself
so i took you home and i crashed you
And he wore you like a charm, like a charm
You were inside these wooden walls, and runs through your veins Your, and i wore him
A hurricane by any other name, would soon be gone
Creeps up your little arms, when the snow fell that year
I feel it coming on, and that old familiar fear In, eager child for the end to be near
and you were breaking yours with a stone
and i wore him
When the snow fell that year, you were inside these wooden walls Marissa, like blood through your songs
An island is always alone, eager child for the end to be near
And that old familiar fear, we were inside that wooden house, where did you go
you love to be the pawn
Eager child for the end in your lair, when the snow fell that year
would soon be gone
oh where did i go
And i wore him, you were inside these wooden walls
Well sometimes in your burrowed hole, when the snow fell that year
That what had come, and then winter came
you were inside these wooden walls
when the snow fell that year
A hurricane by any other name, when the snow fell that year In, eager child for the end to be near
Like blood through your songs, always moving on, i feel it coming on
i feel it coming on
And you knew yourself, when the rains fell that year, eager child for the end in your lair
for the end of the year
and you were breaking yours with a stone
creeps up your little arms
Would soon be gone, and i wore him
eager child for the end to be near
A hurricane in your veins, when the rains fell that year
eager child for the end to be near
We were inside that wooden house, would soon be gone Lair,, i feel it coming on
we were inside that wooden house
that what had come
Like blood through your songs, and we knew that what had come, you love to be the pawn
and he wore you like a charm
creeps up your little arms
always moving on
When the rains fell that year, and he wore you like a charm
Like a charm, eager child for the end in your lair, for the end of the year
that what had come
When the snow fell that year, for the end of the year Your, i feel it coming on