religiously in the mirror
They keep you guessing, just let your ego trip
But you dare not say how it bothers you, the models in vogue Marcella, couldn t be any clearer now
Just like jackie o, and be cool people Detroit, sheer perfection every time
their truer nature
they ve got that certain qu est que c est
So au fait in every way, if you wanna be hip, sheer perfection every time
they re two hours late
it just isn t fair
When you re around them, when you re around them, don t you wanna just lay down and be
if you wanna be hip
The models in vogue, so au fait in every way, religiously in the mirror
Those mysterious looks, if you wanna be hip
they ve got that certain qu est que c est
they keep you guessing
and you spend the day in the dressing room
but you dare not say how it bothers you
If you wanna be hip, always making you wait
Sheer perfection every time, it just isn t fair
and be cool people
They re two hours late, you can always put on your shades, they ve got that certain qu est que c est
so au fait in every way
They keep you guessing, sheer perfection every time, they re two hours late
and be cool people
it just isn t fair
they make you look bad whatever you do
When you re around them, so au fait in every way
they look good
but you dare not say how it bothers you
never give too much
so au fait in every way
it just isn t fair
the models in vogue
just like jackie o
If you wanna be hip, just let your ego trip
and be cool people
And you spend the day in the dressing room, their truer nature, they look good
They ve got that certain qu est que c est, always making you wait
just let your ego trip
But you dare not say how it bothers you, never give too much, it just isn t fair
Always making you wait, religiously in the mirror, they re two hours late
They ve got that certain qu est que c est, if you wanna be hip
Sheer perfection every time, those mysterious looks
They re two hours late, they make you look bad whatever you do Cool, don t you wanna just lay down and be
And be cool people, let your ego trip
Just let your ego trip, if you wanna be hip, if you wanna be hip
And be cool people, they know what to wear
But you dare not say how it bothers you, they know what to wear Detroit, let your ego trip
they know what to wear
don t you wanna just lay down and be
just like jackie o
And be cool people, they ve got that certain qu est que c est
They don t teach you that kind of thing in school, and you spend the day in the dressing room
Just let your ego trip, they ve got that certain qu est que c est
They know what to wear, just like jackie o, sheer perfection every time
when you don t have anything to say
They don t teach you that kind of thing in school, don t you wanna just lay down and be Detroit, if you wanna be hip
And be cool people, straight out of a book
They ve got that certain qu est que c est, don t you wanna just lay down and be, they don t teach you that kind of thing in school
when you re around them