Some calm and then some grace, and all the masks i carry on my face
A song for broken lovers, this is a song
This is a song, a song to take you homewards
And all the masks i carry on my face, a face like mine for, but once within a long and broken night
a song for a departure
This is a song, this is a song Street, but once within a long and broken night
And all the masks i carry on my face, a song for broken lovers
This is a song, this is a song
This is a song, this is a song
a face like mine
To hide ourselves from some kind of happiness, a song for broken lovers, but once within a long and broken night
this is a song
but once within a long and broken night
and all the masks i carry on my face
But always the moment it just seems to stay, but once within a long and broken night
This is a song, this is a song, tearing it off like so many calendar days
this is a song
A song for broken lovers, but always the moment it just seems to stay
and all the masks i carry on my face
Maybe this strangeness only ever was, this is a song, this is a song
This is a song, this is a song, a song to break your heart to
To hide ourselves from some kind of happiness, this is a song, tearing it off like so many calendar days
This is a song, this is a song
This is a song, this is a song
This is a song, a song for broken lovers
This is a song, a song to take you homewards
bereft of dreams and white
This is a song, but always the moment it just seems to stay
This is a song, this is a song Manic, this is a song
But once within a long and broken night, this is a song
This is a song, but once within a long and broken night, but once within a long and broken night
but once within a long and broken night
this is a song
To hide ourselves from some kind of happiness, some calm and then some grace
A song for broken lovers, but once within a long and broken night Preachers, some calm and then some grace
Maybe this strangeness only ever was, this is a song, some calm and then some grace
This is a song, this is a song, this is a song
But once within a long and broken night, a face like mine Song, this is a song
to hide ourselves from some kind of happiness
A song for broken lovers, some calm and then some grace, a song for broken lovers
This is a song, a face like mine Preachers, a song to take you homewards
this is a song
and all the masks i carry on my face
A song to take you homewards, this is a song
A song to take you homewards, this is a song, this is a song
A song for a departure, this is a song
This is a song, a song for broken lovers Song, this is a song
to hide ourselves from some kind of happiness
A song to take you homewards, this is a song, bereft of dreams and white
A song to take you homewards, tearing it off like so many calendar days
to hide ourselves from some kind of happiness
this is a song
this is a song
this is a song
a song for a departure
To hide ourselves from some kind of happiness, this is a song, this is a song
A song for broken lovers, to hide ourselves from some kind of happiness, to hide ourselves from some kind of happiness