everybody just bounce if ye feeling hype
these singles rock your faces off
Everybody just rock tonight, everybody just bounce if ye feeling hype 4321, everybody just bounce if ye feeling hype
everybody just rock tonight
Everybody just rock tonight, lost in the moment freeze it, for the camera bounce like you getting crunk
Can you put it up, everybody just rock tonight
Everybody just bounce if ye feeling hype, everybody just rock tonight, till the last call
It s like 4,3,2,1, everybody just bounce if ye feeling hype
Now put your ends up, chic on the record, for me v.i.p like you got in for free
Lost in the moment freeze it, everyone to the dance floor, can you put it up
Everybody just rock tonight, i m in my zone right now i m in the groove right now, everyone to the dance floor
everyone now put your hands up up
And i won t stop, everybody just bounce if ye feeling hype, everybody just bounce if ye feeling hype
I sing along with the song like wow, i sing along with the song like wow
everybody just bounce if ye feeling hype
Everybody just rock tonight, i sing along with the song like wow, till the last song
I can hear it coming in like, give me that Manafest, everyone to the dance floor
Disco balls and crystal halls, summer time miramax
Bounce for me now one time like ye own it, everyone to the dance floor, give me that
so hot until i hear the countdown
It s like 4,3,2,1, now put your ends up, can you raise it up
everyone to the dance floor
get up off your seat doc
I m in my zone right now i m in the groove right now, for me v.i.p like you got in for free Manafest, i can hear it coming in like
Everybody just rock tonight, everybody just bounce if ye feeling hype 4321, everybody just rock tonight
i m in my zone right now i m in the groove right now