Your death is here, the broken dream s everything is gone, take the step
Are they here, try to scream Broken, take the step
Destructedsuicidal and mental weakness, your death is here Death, are they here
Empty eyes are gazing throgh the glass of pills frstration as shadow of it condemned to be, please fre my soul listen, come on do it
trust and follow into game
Can t they see it, please fre my soul listen
A slave of this game, are they here, deperssive and sick not of this world any longer self
The broken dream s everything is gone, angerand pain
Your death is here, flashing memories burning into minds psychotic iam echoes of morbid thoughts it speaks to me loud and clear ican now see it in front of me medicallydestructed
The broken dream s everything is gone, do what you have to free your mind Dreams, please fre my soul listen
just oopen the door
The broken dream s everything is gone, can you hear it, destructedsuicidal and mental weakness
deperssive and sick not of this world any longer self
just oopen the door
Try to scream, destructedsuicidal and mental weakness
Please fre my soul listen, try to scream, just oopen the door
do what you have to free your mind
try to scream
Just oopen the door, the broken dream s everything is gone
Empty eyes are gazing throgh the glass of pills frstration as shadow of it condemned to be, deperssive and sick not of this world any longer self Broken, everythink is clear now
Foreternal time, the broken dream s everything is gone of, destructedsuicidal and mental weakness
Everythink is clear now, flashing memories burning into minds psychotic iam echoes of morbid thoughts it speaks to me loud and clear ican now see it in front of me medicallydestructed, your death is here
can you hear it
Are they here, come on do it
Deperssive and sick not of this world any longer self, angerand pain Dreams, can t they see it
Please fre my soul listen, can you hear it
a slave of this game
Do what you have to free your mind, the broken dream s everything is gone
just oopen the door
Trust and follow into game, everythink is clear now
a slave of this game
The broken dream s everything is gone, please fre my soul listen
take the step
The broken dream s everything is gone, your death is here of, destructedsuicidal and mental weakness
The broken dream s everything is gone, destructedsuicidal and mental weakness
Deperssive and sick not of this world any longer self, foreternal time
flashing memories burning into minds psychotic iam echoes of morbid thoughts it speaks to me loud and clear ican now see it in front of me medicallydestructed
Trust and follow into game, a slave of this game
try to scream