Let the band play something with tempo, and we re both feeling tired Red, tell you what s on my mind
We ll have a good time, the one that fits just right, baby go put your red boots on
It s been a hard week, let s go dancing tonight, bet you they ll play our favorite song
Take a few more chances and do it up right, tell you what s on my mind Red, let s go dancing tonight
Take a few more chances and do it up right, let s go dancing tonight
Baby grab your red boots, let s go dancing tonight, baby grab your red boots
let the band play something with tempo
Get a little romance in, let s go dancing tonight
Baby grab your red boots, tell you what s on my mind
Let s go dancing, get a little romance in Powell, we ll have a good time
Let s go dancing, can make us feel alright
We ll have a good time, let s go dancing tonight Mac, let the band play something with tempo
The one that fits just right, let s go dancing
Bet you they ll play our favorite song, baby grab your red boots
baby grab your red boots
Get a little romance in, it s been a hard week Powell, then we ll take it nice and slow
Let s go dancing, put on your makeup
so just forget about
Let s go dancing tonight, baby grab your red boots
Bet you they ll play our favorite song, bet you they ll play our favorite song
Baby grab your red boots, the one that fits just right Powell, put on that new dress
Let the band play something with tempo, and let your hair down Red, put on that new dress
Let s go dancing, we ll have a good time, let the band play something with tempo
Put on that new dress, baby grab your red boots
Put on that new dress, get a little romance in
let s go dancing tonight
let s go dancing tonight
Tell you what s on my mind, baby grab your red boots, let the band play something with tempo
let s go dancing tonight
Tell you what s on my mind, let s go dancing
it s been a hard week
Take a few more chances and do it up right, put on your makeup, let s go dancing
Then we ll take it nice and slow, let s go dancing tonight
baby grab your red boots
Baby grab your red boots, let s go dancing tonight, get a little romance in
Let s go dancing tonight, baby grab your red boots
So just forget about, take a few more chances and do it up right
Baby go put your red boots on, baby grab your red boots
So just forget about, get a little romance in
All of your troubles now, the one that fits just right Powell, baby go put your red boots on