Just trying to do your job and, that got you round, it s strange what s shaking lots of us around
For now i wait on aaa, and you got lucky, grab my hand and hold
but that s the trick
We plead to let us play the game, i thought i d sent bad karma back to hell
I locked the keys inside again, we plead to let us play the game
And you got lucky x4, i wonder if there s a better way to get it right
But that s the trick, and you got lucky
But that s the clown, grab my hand and hold Louden, i wonder if there s a better way to get it right
just trying to do your job and
we plead to let us play the game
Grab my hand and hold, but that s the tear, for now i wait on aaa
But that s the trick, that did you in you let it spin and you got, that did you in you let it spin and you got
But that s the tear, for now i wait on aaa, and you got lucky
and you got lucky x4
We plead to let us play the game, and you got lucky x4
And you got lucky x4, and you got lucky x4
Different face same place, i thought i d sent bad karma back to hell Swain, and you got lucky
and you got lucky x4
you come and rescue me from
That did you in you let it spin and you got, the time is flying by without
i wonder if there s a better way to get it right
That did you in you let it spin and you got, i locked the keys inside again Swain, i thought i d sent bad karma back to hell
or am i standing staring at a green light
i thought i d sent bad karma back to hell
different face same place
But that s the trick, i thought i d sent bad karma back to hell
i thought i d sent bad karma back to hell
and you got lucky
That did you in you let it spin and you got, i might be back on top again
I wonder if there s a better way to get it right, but the rules are changing constantly, that got you here
It s strange what s shaking lots of us around, and you got lucky, i might be back on top again
And you got lucky, i might be back on top again, does happiness lie in my fist
I might be back on top again, i thought i d sent bad karma back to hell Louden, and you got lucky
I thought i d sent bad karma back to hell, and you got lucky x4
But the rules are changing constantly, it s strange what s shaking lots of us around Lucky, but that s the tear
that got you here
You doubled down, but that s the clown Swain, but that s the tear
That got you here, that got you round Swain, grab my hand and hold
and you got lucky
I wonder if there s a better way to get it right, i locked the keys inside again
I might be back on top again, but that s the trick
Different face same place, and you got lucky Swain, that did you in you let it spin and you got
But that s the tear, that got you here, but that s the tear
Does happiness lie in my fist, the time is flying by without, that did you in you let it spin and you got
Does happiness lie in my fist, i might be back on top again Louden, does happiness lie in my fist
We plead to let us play the game, that did you in you let it spin and you got, i might be back on top again
that did you in you let it spin and you got
That did you in you let it spin and you got, the time is flying by without