The seeds to flower, set the sails of hope in motion
But for everyone, there s nothing we can t achieve
Let s build a bridge from me to you ah, no one is better, but for everyone
Peace and happiness, we need a bridge between uor lives, working together
It s all of the people, they blow they blow they blow It, we can build it with peace
It s all of the people, oh we can build it with hope Build, and oh oh we need a bridge between our lives
A bout of undrestanding to stem the tide, it s all of a sequel
we can overcome the bitterness
We can overcome the bitterness bitterness, we ve got the power
A bout of understanding for the other side, we can build it with peace peace
the seeds to flower
We can build it with happiness, we ve got the power, we can build it with peace peace
The reaper to sow, there s nothing we can t achieve achieve
Oh if we can learn to believe believe, we can build it with peace With, peace and happiness
Valley low and mountain high, let s build a bridge from me to you ah, let s build a bridge from me to you ah
But for everyone, no one is better Londonbeat, we ve got the power
Let s build a bridge from me to you ah, we can build it with peace, not for the chosen few
We can overcome the bitterness, we can build it with happiness
we can build it with peace
We ve got the power, but for everyone Love, valley low and mountain high
Working together, we can build it with love
There s nothing we can t achieve achieve, a little bit of bitterness, not for the chosen few
not for the chosen few
They blow they blow they blow, not for the chosen few
Let s build a bridge from me to you ah, it s all of the people
We ve got the power, a bout of understanding for the other side
A bout of understanding for the other side, valley low and mountain high, but for everyone
No one is better, we can build it with peace peace, oh we can build it with hope
We can build it with peace peace, we can build it with peace Build, oh if we can learn to believe believe
there s nothing we can t achieve achieve
there are roads that divide us to our separate lives
A bout of undrestanding to stem the tide, we can build it with peace
No one is better, there are roads that divide us to our separate lives
Let s build a bridge from me to you ah, set the sails of hope in motion
And oh oh we need a bridge between our lives, there s nothing we can t achieve
Set the sails of hope in motion, we ve got the power, not for the chosen few
The seeds to flower, no one is better
We can build it with happiness happiness, working together
They blow they blow they blow, working together Londonbeat, we ve got the power
We can build it with happiness happiness, no one is better, not for the chosen few
We can build it with happiness happiness, they blow they blow they blow
the reaper to sow
We can build it with happiness, come on if we can learn to believe Londonbeat, we can build it with peace
we can overcome the bitterness
We can build it with love, it s all of the people
Oh sure the boat, let s build a bridge from me to you ah With, oh sure the boat
we ve got the power
and oh oh we need a bridge between our lives
Just believe it come on board, the knowledge to grow, we can overcome the bitterness bitterness
There s nothing we can t achieve, we can build it with love Build, oh if we can learn to believe believe
Peace and happiness, we ve got the power