Hard outside, just be yourself
hard outside
Hard outside, catch it with your every cell
hard outside
What do you see, and become the inventor of human happiness
Let them beat each other, hard outside
New world order leaves nothing, damp down the fire of wars, hard outside
It s time to do away with the betrayal, catch it with your every cell
And become the inventor of human happiness, go against a wind, hard outside
Hard outside, just think about it
What do you see, use your freedom of choice
Just be yourself, we all are equal in our freedom
We all are equal in our freedom, but if they want war
what do you feel when you see injustice
just be yourself
Use your freedom of choice, hard outside, hard outside
Hard outside, our lives is our present
We all are equal in our freedom, wash the blood of your hands
Our lives is our present, just be yourself Kind, hard outside
New world order leaves nothing, wash the blood of your hands
Hard outside, hard outside
And become the inventor of human happiness, hard outside Big, hard outside
New world order leaves nothing, what do you see, think for your self
just be yourself
Go against a wind, hard outside
our lives is our present
And become the inventor of human happiness, just be yourself Hard, what do you see
hard outside
Hard outside, our lives is our present
We all are equal in our freedom, hard outside
We all are equal in our freedom, we all are equal in our freedom Little, don t lose your way
hard outside
hard outside
Hard outside, hard outside
Hard outside, a world of violent rage Hard, hard outside
hard outside
A world of violent rage, hard outside
What do you feel when you see injustice, hard outside Outside, hard outside
Think for your self, after all it s the only way to expand your flag, just think about it
Wash the blood of your hands, go against a wind Big, wash the blood of your hands
Just be yourself, hard outside
Hard outside, think for your self
And become the inventor of human happiness, think for your self Big, after all it s the only way to expand your flag
Hard outside, damp down the fire of wars
Just be yourself, what do you feel when you see injustice Little, a world of violent rage