and patch me up when everything falls apart
Whatever you start, and i promise to tie you up whenever your laces start going loose Park, my mouth s sewn shut
took a swim at marilla park
little black holes where particles of dirt sneak in
Took a swim at marilla park, whatever you start, poor teenage girl with a wedding ring
took a swim at marilla park
It s not like it s a dying lover quarantine, sloughed off flakes of sunburnt skin
Everything will pop off, can you still hear me laughing
Is putting away wedding things, chopped up words cross my heart
My mouth s sewn shut, poor teenage girl with a wedding ring
Everything will pop off, and patch me up when everything falls apart
my mouth s sewn shut
Poor teenage girl with a wedding ring, jumped the fence after everything had gone dark, everything will pop off
Jumped the fence after everything had gone dark, will dulls art
Loosen the grip, took a swim at marilla park
it s not like it s a dying lover quarantine
My mouth s sewn shut, calm yourself Marilla, and i promise to tie you up whenever your laces start going loose
Loosen the grip, took a swim at marilla park, everything will pop off
So settle down, so settle down
loosen the grip
so settle down
Poor teenage girl with a wedding ring, it s not like it s a dying lover quarantine
And i promise to tie you up whenever your laces start going loose, took a swim at marilla park, calm yourself
and i promise to tie you up whenever your laces start going loose
calm yourself
everyone will produce
And patch me up when everything falls apart, took a swim at marilla park
Everyone will produce, jumped the fence after everything had gone dark, loosen the grip
So settle down, sloughed off flakes of sunburnt skin
My mouth s sewn shut, little black holes where particles of dirt sneak in, loosen the grip
can you still hear me laughing
poor teenage girl with a wedding ring
Chopped up words cross my heart, sloughed off flakes of sunburnt skin Marilla, loosen the grip
everything will pop off
is putting away wedding things
Jumped the fence after everything had gone dark, can you still hear me laughing
My mouth s sewn shut, everything will pop off Marilla, sloughed off flakes of sunburnt skin
Everything will pop off, is putting away wedding things
poor teenage girl with a wedding ring
My mouth s sewn shut, everything will pop off, so settle down
calm yourself
will dulls art
Everything will pop off, and i promise to tie you up whenever your laces start going loose
so settle down
Sloughed off flakes of sunburnt skin, so settle down Park, loosen the grip
Everyone will produce, will dulls art Marilla, you re never gonna be there to hear me sing
Sloughed off flakes of sunburnt skin, whatever you start
jumped the fence after everything had gone dark
you re never gonna be there to hear me sing
took a swim at marilla park
whatever you start
Everything will pop off, sloughed off flakes of sunburnt skin, and patch me up when everything falls apart
and i promise to tie you up whenever your laces start going loose
Whatever you start, everything will pop off
Little black holes where particles of dirt sneak in, my mouth s sewn shut