etiam il lapides
Not to get a devil s goal, etiam il lapides, corpus anima deus
Open your heart find a way to god, look up to god Eyes, before you re born you gonna die
don t let the way be covered with blood
Looking for god in the face of love, open your eyes
not to get a devil s goal
Etiam il lapides, look up to god
tecte diceretur
that father s arms are there to hold you
Corpus anima deus, and care and ever you see the truth, corpus anima deus
etiam il lapides
tecte diceretur
Before you re born you gonna die, open your mind let the spirit run free Lesiëm, a rolling stone far away from home
Looking for love in the face of god, leading you through the night of hawk, looking for love in the face of god
Leading you through the night of hawk, belongs to life like sister and brother, it only wants to guide your soul
Corpus anima deus, leading you through the night of hawk, etiam il lapides
His big big sky, etiam il lapides
A rolling stone far away from home, the love touch the light of flowers, a rolling stone far away from home
Quo pacto istud, looking for love in the face of god, look up to god his big big sky
etiam il lapides
so we stay in this world most time alone
looking for god in the face of love
it only wants to guide your soul
Open your heart find a way to god, the prince of darkness crosses your way Open, open your soul let the pain run away
Etiam il lapides, the love touch the light of flowers Eyes, see the light in the dark
etiam il lapides
That father s arms are there to hold you, corpus anima deus Lesiëm, etiam il lapides
Etiam il lapides, quo pacto istud
That father s arms are there to hold you, and every day you can see Lesiëm, that father s arms are there to hold you
His big big sky, before you re born you gonna die Eyes, quo pacto istud
Open your heart find a way to god, look up to god Open, etiam il lapides
Quo pacto istud, so we stay in this world most time alone, body and soul like mother and father
It only wants to guide your soul, open your mind let the spirit run free, etiam il lapides
body and soul like mother and father
Etiam il lapides, body and soul like mother and father, the love touch the light of flowers
Body and soul like mother and father, looking for god in the face of love
quo pacto istud
Not to get a devil s goal, look up to god his big big sky
Corpus anima deus, tecte diceretur
And every day you can see, a rolling stone far away from home, that father s arms are there to hold you
open your heart find a way to god
Corpus anima deus, a rolling stone far away from home Open, look up to god his big big sky
etiam il lapides
look up to god his big big sky
Open your mind let the spirit run free, look up to god his big big sky
Looking for love in the face of god, the love touch the light of flowers
Corpus anima deus, the prince of darkness crosses your way
It only wants to guide your soul, body and soul like mother and father Eyes, tecte diceretur
Etiam il lapides, looking for love in the face of god