crushin cars through the ground flex
Lets strap in and turn it up, crushin cars through the ground, crushin cars through the ground flex
Mon-mon-monster x trucks yeah that s how we live it, flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex
Flex that x x, spinnin like a cyclone equipped with rough country
Full power no backin out, yeah we bout to light em up monster truck mafia
lets strap in and turn it up
Turn it up turn it up, yeah we bout to light em up monster truck mafia
Horsepower maxed out, best in the business can t be touched Flex, mon-mon-monster x trucks yeah that s how we live it
Twisted metal war zone, crushin cars through the ground flex, 6 6-66 inch tires crushin cars through the ground
Lets strap in and turn it up, crushin cars through the ground
crushin cars through the ground flex
flex that x x
Crushin cars through the ground flex, flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex That, mon-mon-monster x trucks yeah that s how we live it
It s about to get bumpy, mon-mon-monster x trucks yeah that s how we live it That, it s about to get bumpy
Fl-fl-fl-fl-fl-fl-fl-flex, lets strap in and turn it up, lets strap in and turn it up
Turn it up turn it up, crushin cars through the ground flex, turn it up turn it up
Mon-mon-monster x trucks yeah that s how we live it, 6 6-66 inch tires crushin cars through the ground Cooper, yeah we bout to light em up monster truck mafia
About to tear this thing down, lets strap in and turn it up
Mon-mon-monster x trucks yeah that s how we live it, lets strap in and turn it up Cooper, crushin cars through the ground flex
grand stands screamin this place is packed out
Turn it up turn it up, lets strap in and turn it up
6 6-66 inch tires crushin cars through the ground, it s about to get bumpy
about to tear this thing down
About to tear this thing down, crushin cars through the ground, flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex
Crushin cars through the ground, lets strap in and turn it up
Flex that x x, turn it up turn it up
6 6-66 inch tires crushin cars through the ground
Better have them earplugs when the engines crank loud, flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex-flex
Flex that x x, if-if-if-if we gonna do it we gonna do it big
Lets strap in and turn it up, crushin cars through the ground flex
turn it up turn it up
if-if-if-if we gonna do it we gonna do it big
turn it up turn it up
Flex that x x, flex that x x That, about to tear this thing down
turn it up turn it up
Crushin cars through the ground flex, crushin cars through the ground flex
Fl-fl-fl-fl-fl-fl-fl-flex, crushin cars through the ground flex
mon-mon-monster x trucks yeah that s how we live it
Lets strap in and turn it up, flex that x x
flex that x x
Crushin cars through the ground, it s about to get bumpy Cooper, horsepower maxed out
twisted metal war zone
Yeah we bout to light em up monster truck mafia, if-if-if-if we gonna do it we gonna do it big
flex that x x
lets strap in and turn it up
Lets strap in and turn it up, crushin cars through the ground flex That, mon-mon-monster x trucks yeah that s how we live it
Crushin cars through the ground flex, spinnin like a cyclone equipped with rough country Lenny, crushin cars through the ground flex
Turn it up turn it up, crushin cars through the ground, flex that x x
spinnin like a cyclone equipped with rough country
Flex that x x, lets strap in and turn it up, fl-fl-fl-fl-fl-fl-fl-flex
Crushin cars through the ground, crushin cars through the ground
better have them earplugs when the engines crank loud