Like a sweet tooth craving candy, heart s desire
You bat your eye and my courage goes down the drain, best i never had, i see your face each time i close my eyes
Like a sweet tooth craving candy, got a fever burnin up inside
Heart s desire, girl you re always on my mind
I do believe i love you, got a yearning down deep and i don t want to put out
heart s desire
you walk by i can barely speak your name
you re my heart s desire
Heart s desire, you re givin me a cardiac arrest
Heart s desire, cause you re my heart s desire
best i never had
I do believe i love you, you re my heart s desire, heart s desire
Got a yearning down deep and i don t want to put out, girl you re always on my mind
Best i never had, you bat your eye and my courage goes down the drain Lee, girl i want you so bad
You walk by i can barely speak your name, got a yearning down deep and i don t want to put out Parnell, girl i want you so bad
Always thinking of you, girl you re always on my mind, best i never had
my chest is poundin and i must confess
Cause you re my heart s desire, got a fever burnin up inside
I got such a longing i can hardly stand it you re my heart s desire, girl i want you so bad
Like a car spinnin out of control with a blown out, cause you re my heart s desire, you re my heart s desire
like a car spinnin out of control with a blown out
Heart s desire, it s keepin me up late
Heart s desire, i do believe i love you
like a car spinnin out of control with a blown out
you bat your eye and my courage goes down the drain
I do believe i love you, got a yearning down deep and i don t want to put out, heart s desire
heart s desire
Heart s desire, girl you re always on my mind, like a car spinnin out of control with a blown out
Girl i want you so bad, heart s desire, i can t think straight
i got such a longing i can hardly stand it you re my heart s desire
Heart s desire, heart s desire
Best i never had, my chest is poundin and i must confess, you re my heart s desire
it s keepin me up late
Like a sweet tooth craving candy, got a yearning down deep and i don t want to put out
i do believe i love you
heart s desire
I do believe i love you, always thinking of you, cause you re my heart s desire
You re givin me a cardiac arrest, got a yearning down deep and i don t want to put out
Cause you re my heart s desire, my chest is poundin and i must confess, heart s desire
Always thinking of you, like a car spinnin out of control with a blown out
Best i never had, you walk by i can barely speak your name, always thinking of you
You re my heart s desire, always thinking of you