So you're there, listening to this song and doing whatever else. Nodding your head slightly, letting it follow the tick of the beat.
And it doesn't take long before you realize, that you are genuinely enjoying it... Even though something is telling you, that you probably shouldn't. It's kinda hard to place your finger on, but there's just something so catchy and dirty about it.
That's when you realize that the song is about to end. Figuring it's about time to change to another song, something starts gnawing in the back of your head. Like a little voice, sweet as sugar, whispering one simple word to you, "Again..."
You stare into thin air, pondering your options. But just as the song ends you seize control and hove over the replay button. The beat fades out and the little voice repeats itself "...Again..." Click
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my brother always loved nightcore songs he was addicted to them.. but not anymore :( cuz hes gone now.. I hope hes in a better place now. love you my little chubby :,(
Do you know when people die?
When they are shot in the heart with a pistol? NO
When they catch a incurable illness? NO
When they eat soup with a poisonous mushroom in it? NO
It's when they are forgotten. So anyone reading this please make sure the world knows you and you are never forgotten then your memory will live on and continue to inspire people like Nightcore reality did for me here
me:this sounds like an okay song. clicks on song
also me:*one word in* OH MY LORD BEST SONG I'VE EVER HEARD
am i the only one who did this? silence oh,okay then,bye.