Take me to heaven, let s play the game of do or die, gotta take me
i m searching low
tonight s the night for you and i
Take me to heaven tonight, take me to heaven tonight
You gotta take me, take me to heaven tonight
let s play the game of do or die
Are you the one to touch my soul, take me to heaven tonight Bouche, could i be wrong
Take me to heaven tonight, tonight s the night for you and i
I feel like you could be the one, take me to heaven tonight
You gotta take me there, take me to heaven tonight
take me to heaven tonight
Take me to heaven tonight, it s yes or no
you gotta take me
Take me to heaven tonight, i want to feel so good
You make me feel so good, take me to heaven tonight
Take me to heaven tonight, take me to heaven tonight, i feel like you could be the one
Gotta take me there, you gotta take me there Heaven, i want to feel so good
Take me to heaven tonight, you gotta take me there, take me to heaven tonight
My love is searching for its goal, gotta take me there, still looking out for number one
You gotta take me, i feel like you could be the one Heaven, take me to heaven tonight
take me to heaven tonight
Gotta take me, take me to heaven tonight
Give me a reason to be strong, i m searching low, take me to heaven tonight
Take me to heaven tonight, take me to heaven
take me to heaven tonight
take me to heaven tonight
Take me to heaven tonight, take me to heaven
you gotta take me there
Take me to heaven tonight, gotta take me there Me, are you the one to touch my soul
You gotta take me there, i feel like you could be the one
Still looking out for number one, you gotta take me there
Tonight s the night for you and i, take me to heaven tonight, i feel like you could be the one
My love is searching for its goal, you gotta take me, you make me feel so good
you make me feel so good
Take me to heaven tonight, it s yes or no, still looking out for number one
You gotta take me there, give me a reason to be strong La, you gotta take me
Gotta take me, you gotta take me Night, take me to heaven tonight
i want to feel so good
Take me to heaven tonight, gotta take me there
Are you the one to touch my soul, tonight s the night for you and i, take me to heaven
Take me to heaven tonight, take me to heaven tonight
take me to heaven tonight
i m searching high
Take me to heaven tonight, gotta take me there Take, i want to feel so good
Take me to heaven tonight, take me to heaven tonight
you make me feel so good
You make me feel so good, take me to heaven tonight Take, take me to heaven tonight