Death unto us all, no disguises
Death unto us all, would you kill me if i ask you
Revealing what s in front of me, we forge down the road less traveled
Me every time, harshest ones to view
but i ll slow down for you
And if you can speed up we ll both share something, but i ll slow down for you
With eyes close, would you kill me if i ask you, we forge down the road less traveled
Infectious is the flame that burns, infectious is the flame that burns, and if you can speed up we ll both share something
In rejection, reveal what s inside of me Be, and if you can speed up we ll both share something
we are holding back the reigns
But i must taste fire, and it felt like time was really fast and life was slow, reveal what s inside of me
I ll beware of the snake, in rejection
in rejection
and if you can speed up we ll both share something
And it could get, and it felt like time was really fast and life was slow
No disguises, harshest ones to view Be, we forge down the road less traveled
and if you can speed up we ll both share something
death unto us all
Sink hooks and nails so i ll return, infectious is the flame that burns, reveal what s inside of me
me every time