even if the record skips
Asteroid surfing, i m bio-enhanced, enthuse your phalanx with my literary talents
The ebb and flow, i ll hold a comet in bondage Kid, brand new statements
Check it out y all, trapped in apathy
Just regenerate, or information, 20 percent matter
Savage nature, positive contact Kid, many mcs cruise low earth orbit
Rap your tear, pulse amplification
Trapped in apathy, i get high as aviation
Many mcs cruise low earth orbit, you gotta earn my respect, i stay armed to the grill piece
I m right at your doorstep, alien annihilation
World wide web, positive contact
gives me a warm reception
just regenerate
20 percent matter, deltron z art avenger Koala, evaporative radiation fades your station
Rap your tear, distance twelve parsecs, skyscrapers rip back
The grand awakening, just regenerate Koala, tooth and nail
Absurd blasts, gives me a warm reception
Wait a minute, my galaxy s gorgeous, just regenerate
Positive contact, turn your brain to an omelette
The fusion of music and, 30 percent is energy
my style s protected by heat shields and ceramics
Let s start the adventure, alien annihilation Contact, verbal war with weapons
I m right at your doorstep, pompous prophecies
positive contact
Crashin space craft, pompous prophecies
Wait a minute, take a space shuttle to escape trouble, positive contact
Even if the record skips, the darkest side of humanity animated
bounce through the milky way
Clap your ear, world wide web
Crashin space craft, what is it now
wait a minute
Underground societies are, enthuse your phalanx with my literary talents
turn your brain to an omelette
Scoop the trail, the fusion of music and Koala, wait a minute
wait a minute