When the sun shines its hallelujah, thank you jesus
This is my prayer for today, thank you jesus
Let my day begin with hallelujah, lord thank you for yet another day Kefee, i can see ahead and all that you do
Therefore i choose to rejoice and be glad in it, let my day begin with thank you jesus
Let my day begin with thank you jesus, this is the day that you lord have made
Order my steps dear lord, this is my prayer for today
on the road of life you see the pilgrim
Help me jesus, this is my prayer for today, you and i know that i can t make it today with you
you and i know that i can t make it today with you
On the road of life you see the pilgrim, thank you jesus
In my going out still thank you jesus, help me jesus Day, this is my prayer for today
Thank you jesus, thank you jesus, let my day begin with thank you jesus
I thank you jesus, i thank you jesus, help me jesus
You and i know that i can t make it today with you, in my family
Help me jesus, thank you jesus, thank you jesus
Order my steps dear lord, this is the day that you lord have made
you and i know that i can t make it today with you
therefore i choose to rejoice and be glad in it
thank you jesus
Help me jesus, lord thank you for yet another day, to follow you
to follow you
thank you jesus
In my business, thank you jesus
In my going out still thank you jesus, on the road of life you see the pilgrim
thank you jesus
when the sun shines its hallelujah
This is the day that you lord have made, in my family, thank you jesus
in my coming in just thank you jesus
Thank you jesus, you and i know that i can t make it today with you, help me jesus
Help me jesus, this is the day that you lord have made Begin, in my going out still thank you jesus
Let my day begin by talking to you, thank you jesus
let my day begin with thank you jesus
In my family, in my going out and in my coming in
Let my day begin with thank you jesus, this is my prayer for today Begin, help me jesus
order my steps dear lord
when the sun shines its hallelujah
Let my day begin by talking to you, thank you jesus
Help me jesus, let my day begin with hallelujah, in my family
Thank you jesus, in my going out still thank you jesus Day, when the sun shines its hallelujah
thank you jesus
I thank you jesus, on the road of life you see the pilgrim
in my coming in just thank you jesus
To follow you, in my family, in my going out still thank you jesus
I can see ahead and all that you do, this is my prayer for today
Thank you jesus, therefore i choose to rejoice and be glad in it Day, thank you jesus
let my day begin by talking to you