i m fast like a nascar
circuit breakers
fast like a nascar nascar nascar repeat 6x
Fast like a nascar fast like a nascar, want my mule and 40 acres, on my way to get the cut dawg lifted
I m fast like a nascar, i get stupid dumb di-d-dumb
Fast like a nascar fast like a nascar, all in the doe
i got more chains than the nigga from the a-team
I get gouda man, i m fast like a nascar
want my mule and 40 acres
i go 18 since i was 18
that s my word
Want my mule and 40 acres, fast like a nascar nascar nascar repeat 6x
i get gouda man
Go on shake them hips, i get stupid dumb di-d-dumb
Up and down the boulevard, fast like a nascar fast like a nascar
Knockin but stock, i got more chains than the nigga from the a-team
hey lil momma go on shake them hips
Knockin but stock, all in the doe, up and down the boulevard
Shake it to the curb, fast like a nascar fast like a nascar
Fast like a nascar nascar nascar repeat 6x, the money and the dimepiece rims are spinnin whaddi-hittin fo
go on shake them hips
up and down the boulevard
Fast like a nascar fast like a nascar, want my mule and 40 acres
fast like a nascar fast like a nascar
I m just crumblin herb, winnin don t know how to lose, and i have plenty fun
i go 18 since i was 18
Shake it to the curb, i go 18 since i was 18 Kafani, i got more chains than the nigga from the a-team
And i have plenty fun, i m fast like a nascar, hey lil momma go on shake them hips
I get gouda man, fast like a nascar fast like a nascar
You ain t fast like my 3-point shooter man, i go 18 since i was 18, fast like a nascar fast like a nascar
Winnin don t know how to lose, i get gouda man
Winnin don t know how to lose, on my way to get the cut dawg lifted
that s my word
The money and the dimepiece rims are spinnin whaddi-hittin fo, fast like a nascar fast like a nascar, i done fucked around and blew a fuse
winnin don t know how to lose
fast like a nascar fast like a nascar
I go 18 since i was 18, you ain t fast like my 3-point shooter man
fast like a nascar fast like a nascar
fast like a nascar nascar nascar repeat 6x
21s on 351 cougar man, 21s on 351 cougar man, fast like a nascar fast like a nascar
fast like a nascar nascar nascar repeat 6x
I got more chains than the nigga from the a-team, fast like a nascar fast like a nascar Nascar), i m just crumblin herb
Ghostride the whip, i get gouda man, fast like a nascar fast like a nascar
Shake it to the curb, the money and the dimepiece rims are spinnin whaddi-hittin fo
that s my word
I m fast like a nascar, winnin don t know how to lose, fast like a nascar fast like a nascar
Want my mule and 40 acres, fast like a nascar fast like a nascar, on my way to get the cut dawg lifted
that s my word
Ice like a superstar, all in the doe, circuit breakers