i m in another haze
Now nothing ever seems to go my way, i m in another haze
But now i feel like making you into a liar, now nothing ever seems to go my way
I m in another haze, now nothing ever seems to go my way Battles, not even close
and it feels like kicking coals in the fire
And i still want something for nothing, i still want something for nothing Bunk, and i still stay up till 4 watching the wire
and it feels like kicking coals in the fire
now nothing ever seems to go my way
i m in another haze
When i was younger i could sleep for days, i still want something for nothing
When i get thinking, when i get thinking Bunk, i end up sounding like a hypocrite
And i still stay up till 4 watching the wire, i m spacing out a bit Junior, and i still want something for nothing
When i was younger i could sleep for days, when i get thinking
I m getting closer but i still can t get to sleep when i think about it, and i still stay up till 4 watching the wire, and i still want something for nothing
And i still want something for nothing, i m in another haze
And it feels like kicking coals in the fire, now nothing ever seems to go my way
i m in another haze
When i get thinking, i m in another haze
Not even close, i m spacing out a bit
But now i feel like making you into a liar, and i still stay up till 4 watching the wire
And i still stay up till 4 watching the wire, and it feels like kicking coals in the fire, i end up sounding like a hypocrite
And it feels like kicking coals in the fire, i m in another haze, now nothing ever seems to go my way
I m spacing out a bit, when i was younger i could sleep for days
When i get thinking, when i get going i can t sleep for days
i m in another haze
now nothing ever seems to go my way
I still want something for nothing, when i get going i can t sleep for days
Not even close, when i was younger i could sleep for days Junior, but i keep trying
And i still want something for nothing, when i was younger i could sleep for days Junior, i still want something for nothing
But now i feel like making you into a liar, when i get going i can t sleep for days Bunk, and i still stay up till 4 watching the wire
I m in another haze, and i still want something for nothing
I m in another haze, and i still want something for nothing Bunk, now nothing ever seems to go my way
I m in another haze, i end up sounding like a hypocrite
I still want something for nothing, not even close
now nothing ever seems to go my way
And i still stay up till 4 watching the wire, now nothing ever seems to go my way, when i was younger i could sleep for days
I still want something for nothing, but i keep trying Bunk, and it feels like kicking coals in the fire
When i was younger i could sleep for days, when i get going i can t sleep for days
When i was younger i could sleep for days, and i still want something for nothing
And i still stay up till 4 watching the wire, and i still stay up till 4 watching the wire