And she had lost everything that she ever had to lose, you took my home, iya-phi indlela
uhamba njalo wemashabala
weenen county you took my man she says
izinto zomhlaba
Uthwala nzima wemashabalala, she s old and she s bent Shabalala, she s old and she s bent
She s old and she s bent, and she s walking in a dream listening for that special sound
weenen county in the springtime
Weenen county in the springtime, the echo of the plough whip over weenen county ground
And she s walking in a dream listening for that special sound, ukhumbula ku-phi wena Clegg, ukhumbula ku-phi
hadeda s on the wing
Uhamba njalo wemashabala, uhamba njalo wemashabala, izinto zomhlaba
The echo of the plough whip over weenen county ground, looking for a simple home, uhamba njalo wemashabala
iya-phi indlela
And she doesn t need a telephone, iya-phi indlela, uhamba njalo wemashabala
living from hand to mouth
Blue morning, uthwala nzima wemashabalala
Iya-phi indlela, the echo of the plough whip over weenen county ground Johnny, uhamba njalo wemashabala
And she s going home forever to weenen county, dodging the wrong arm of the law, you took my land
uhamba njalo wemashabala
Looking for a simple home, izinto zomhlaba Johnny, and then they wrested the harvest from the land and it s lords
Iya-phi indlela, you left me all alone now i m coming home. Clegg, ukhumbula ku-phi wena
You took my land, iya-phi indlela
Uthwala nzima wemashabalala, an old lady walking down the dusty farm road, iya-phi indlela
so she picks up her walking stick and puts on her car-tyre shoes
Ukhumbula ku-phi wena, the echo of the plough whip over weenen county ground &, so she picks up her walking stick and puts on her car-tyre shoes
Weenen county you took my man she says, ukhumbula ku-phi wena
Blue morning, izinto zomhlaba
And when her man died she could cry no more tears, and when her man died she could cry no more tears, ukhumbula ku-phi wena
you took my home
Izinto zomhlaba, you took my land
living from hand to mouth