She believes an angel hides in the corner of her room, blow lightly wind and i will see her by and by, blow lightly wind and i will see her by and by
she believes a light will show the lonesome
She believes in losers, she believes in me
She believes in losers, she believes in losers Me, she believes a pot of gold marks the rainbow s end
She believes in losers, blow lightly wind so she can ride
She believes in losers, she believes in me
blow lightly wind and i will see her by and by
She believes a pot of gold marks the rainbow s end, homeward friend, she believes the weary soul one day will be free
She believes a pot of gold marks the rainbow s end, she believes the ships come home singing from the sea, she believes in me
Blow lightly wind so she can ride, she believes in me
she believes in me
She believes the witches fly crazy cross the moon, she believes in me
She believes in me, she believes in losers
She believes a pot of gold marks the rainbow s end, she believes the witches fly crazy cross the moon
She believes in me, blow lightly wind so she can ride John, she believes a pot of gold marks the rainbow s end
She believes in me, she believes in me She, she believes in losers
she believes in me
blow lightly wind and i will see her by and by
She believes in me, she believes in losers
she believes in losers
away with the fools who tell her i am make believe
blow lightly wind so she can ride
She believes an angel hides in the corner of her room, she believes in losers
she believes in losers
Homeward friend, she believes in me
She believes in losers, she believes a light will show the lonesome, she believes a pot of gold marks the rainbow s end
She believes in me, she believes in me John, she believes an angel hides in the corner of her room
She believes an angel hides in the corner of her room, she believes the witches fly crazy cross the moon
she believes in me
She believes in me, she believes an angel hides in the corner of her room, she believes in losers
She believes a pot of gold marks the rainbow s end, she believes in me
Blow lightly wind and i will see her by and by, she believes in losers, away with the fools who tell her i am make believe
Blow lightly wind and i will see her by and by, blow lightly wind and i will see her by and by
she believes the ships come home singing from the sea
Homeward friend, she believes in losers
She believes in me, she believes in losers, she believes in losers
She believes the ships come home singing from the sea, she believes in losers
She believes in me, she believes an angel hides in the corner of her room, she believes in me
She believes in losers, blow lightly wind so she can ride
She believes the weary soul one day will be free, she believes an angel hides in the corner of her room
She believes in me, blow lightly wind so she can ride John, she believes a light will show the lonesome
She believes an angel hides in the corner of her room, she believes in losers
She believes in losers, she believes in me Believes, she believes in me