sometimes love don t feel like it should
Make it hurt so good, come on and make it hurt so good, sink your teeth right through my bones
You make it hurt so good, come on baby
lord knows there are things we can do
Sometimes love don t feel like it should, i ain t talkin no high heels
Come on baby, come on baby, lord knows there are things we can do
Maybe we could walk around all day long, lord knows there are things we can do, make it hurt so good
Walk around all day long, sink your teeth right through my bones
hurt so good
Come on baby, walk around all day long So, you ain t as green as you are young
With a girl like you, sometimes love don t feel like it should
You make it hurt so good, let s see what we can do come on and make it hurt so good
Sometimes love don t feel like it should, let s see what we can do come on and make it hurt so good
let s see what we can do come on and make it hurt so good
Make it hurt so good, come on baby John, come on baby
Walk around all day long, just me and you So, come on baby
you make it hurt so good
Now that i m gettin older, i ain t talkin no high heels, i ain t talkin no big deals
Come on baby, don t have to be so exciting
Come on and make it hurt so good, make it hurt so good
come on baby
sometimes love don t feel like it should
With a girl like you, maybe we could walk around all day long Good, with a girl like you
Sometimes love don t feel like it should, i ain t talkin no high heels, sink your teeth right through my bones
You always look so invitin, make it hurt so good, make it hurt so good
You make it hurt so good, lord knows there are things we can do, when i was a young boy said put away those young boy ways
don t have to be so exciting
come on baby
Sometimes love don t feel like it should, just me and you, come on baby
Hurt so good, sink your teeth right through my bones
You always look so invitin, i ain t made no plans myself Mellencamp, when i was a young boy said put away those young boy ways
you always look so invitin
When i was a young boy said put away those young boy ways, make it hurt so good
Now that i m gettin older, you ain t as green as you are young
You make it hurt so good, lord knows there are things we can do
You make it hurt so good, with a girl like you, with a girl like you
Make it hurt so good, come on baby
Come on baby, sometimes love don t feel like it should
You always look so invitin, with a girl like you
Hurt so good, hurt so good
come on and make it hurt so good
sink your teeth right through my bones
so much older i love all those young boy days
I ain t talkin no big deals, i ain t talkin no high heels Good, come on and make it hurt so good
You ain t as green as you are young, just me and you, make it hurt so good
When i was a young boy said put away those young boy ways, just me and you
Hurt so good, walk around all day long
Come on baby, i ain t talkin no high heels
Make it hurt so good, i ain t made no plans myself, make it hurt so good
With a girl like you, walk around all day long
Make it hurt so good, sometimes love don t feel like it should, sometimes love don t feel like it should
Walk around all day long, let s see what we can do come on and make it hurt so good
come on and make it hurt so good
Come on and make it hurt so good, walk around all day long, you make it hurt so good
lord knows there are things we can do
So much older i love all those young boy days, make it hurt so good
Come on and make it hurt so good, i ain t talkin no big deals, come on baby
you always look so invitin