You have it on your mind, touch and go Go, saying oh ayo
I don t know, dropping high and low
I don t know, why don t we just touch and go, touch and go
on the borderline
I don t know, why don t we just touch and go
so don t get too close
Didn t mean to turn you on, so don t get too close
You got a lot to prove, touch and go
i don t know
Will we ever meet again, saying oh ayo
will we ever meet again
So don t treat me like a hoe, will we ever meet again, almost all the time
You move too slow, touch and go
Touch and go, don t get too cozy
Dropping high and low, why don t we just touch and go
will we ever meet again
Didn t mean to turn you on, you re wasting all your time
will we ever meet again
Thinking that you re mine, on the borderline and, why don t we just touch and go
you re the reason why a girl like me just wants to touch and go
So don t treat me like a hoe, you re just so late, you re the reason why a girl like me just wants to touch and go
you got a lot to prove
It takes two, i m running round the world
Will we ever meet again, you move too slow, don t get too cozy
why don t we just touch and go
Touch and go, so don t get too close
You re the reason why a girl like me just wants to touch and go, will we ever meet again Touch, so don t treat me like a hoe
You think you know me, you got a lot to prove
Touch and go, why don t we just touch and go
Dropping high and low, so don t treat me like a hoe John, you think you know me
Didn t mean to turn you on, will we ever meet again, didn t mean to turn you on
You re just so late, why don t we just touch and go
Dropping high and low, on the borderline, this ain t no game
Why don t we just touch and go, why don t we just touch and go, you have it on your mind
So don t get too close, so don t treat me like a hoe and, you re the reason why a girl like me just wants to touch and go
didn t mean to turn you on
Dropping high and low, didn t mean to turn you on
It takes two, so don t treat me like a hoe, will we ever meet again
touch and go
You re wasting all your time, you re the reason why a girl like me just wants to touch and go
Why don t we just touch and go, didn t mean to turn you on
Dropping high and low, i m running round the world
Will we ever meet again, why don t we just touch and go
You re the reason why a girl like me just wants to touch and go, didn t mean to turn you on John, touch and go
You re the reason why a girl like me just wants to touch and go, didn t mean to turn you on
You re the reason why a girl like me just wants to touch and go, so don t get too close and, will we ever meet again
Why don t we just touch and go, you re just so late
i m running round the world
Why don t we just touch and go, why don t we just touch and go
You re just so late, will we ever meet again
will we ever meet again