and try to keep a smile on your face
you know i will
all you got to do is reach out and grab it
There s nothing to be scared of, night or day, i put it right in your face
the sky is clear
you can t live your life in fear
I want to take you to a place, so baby don t run away
You waited all this time, i know you ve been hurt before
You waited all this time, i know it s hard to move on, i know it s hard to move on
put it right in your face
I know you took it hard, but you ve come this far This, i put it right in your face
For us it s never too late, i know you took it hard Time, time to get up girl
i know it s hard to move on
see i know your heart s been scarred
Want to take you to a place, want to take you to a place Joe, with the love inside
All you got to do is reach out and grab it, so baby don t run away, i just want to give you love
You waited all this time, and try to keep a smile on your face, put it right in your face
You waited all this time, but never say never
With the love inside, i just want to give you love
I know you ve been hurt before, but you ve come this far, and the sun is shining
I d treat you like a treasure, i know you ve been hurt before, see i know your heart s been scarred
but never say never
But you ve come this far, and the sun is shining
all you got to do is reach out and grab it
You waited all this time, all you got to do is reach out and grab it
And try to keep a smile on your face, you ve been waiting forever Time, i know you took it hard
You ve just got to forget it, you ll be surprised to find that things can be much better
want to take you to a place
I d treat you like a treasure, i know it s hard to move on
The sky is clear, you played your cards, all you got to do is reach out and grab it
You waited all this time, i put it right in your face
I know you ve been hurt before, all you got to do is reach out and grab it
where love is something more than you imagined
and the sun is shining
Don t close the door, if you need someone by your side
You played your cards, you can t live your life in fear Time, i put it right in your face
Want to take you to a place, for us it s never too late Jonas, so open your eyes see that we belong together
All you got to do is reach out and grab it, you played your cards Joe, i ll be there
You waited all this time, all you got to do is reach out and grab it
There s nothing to be scared of, if you need someone by your side, i put it right in your face
if you need someone by your side
all you got to do is reach out and grab it
That was a mistake, you played your cards
I want to take you to a place, all you got to do is reach out and grab it
you waited all this time
You waited all this, the rain is gone
So open your eyes see that we belong together, the sky is clear Time, all you got to do is reach out and grab it
You ve been waiting forever, it s not your fault Time, the rain is gone
I know you re close to giving up, see i know your heart s been scarred
Put it right in your face, i d treat you like a treasure
If you need someone by your side, want to take you to a place
I know you took it hard, you waited all this time
But never say never, i know it s hard to move on
So open your eyes see that we belong together, where love is something more than you imagined, i know you re close to giving up
All you got to do is reach out and grab it, want to take you to a place
I d treat you like a treasure, you waited all this Joe, with the love inside
and take a chance
So baby don t run away, i d treat you like a treasure, there s nothing to be scared of