Got the time tick tick tickin in my head, got another day to get Joe, tickin in my head
Gotta get a letter just right, gotta find a piece of paper Jackson, shut up and get out of my way
only know i gotta go now
tickin in my head
gotta write another letter
got the time tick tick tickin in my head
Got the time tick tick tickin in my head, only know i gotta go now
got the time tick tick tickin in my head
Got another day to get, got the time tick tick tickin in my head
only know i gotta go now
Got the time tick tick tickin in my head, got the time tick tick tickin in my head
Tickin in my head, no such thing as tomorrow, gotta get a letter just right
Tickin in my head, got the time tick tick tickin in my head, little ringin on the telephone
someone ask me what the time is
Got the time tick tick tickin in my head, no such thing as tomorrow, got the time tick tick tickin in my head
got the time tick tick tickin in my head
got another day to get
Got the time tick tick tickin in my head, never got a thing to wear Jackson, got the time tick tick tickin in my head
No such thing as tomorrow, little ringin on the telephone
Tickin in my head, tickin in my head
Got another letter to write, someone ask me what the time is, got the time tick tick tickin in my head
Shut up and get out of my way, got the time tick tick tickin in my head
Got the time tick tick tickin in my head, tickin in my head
Got the time tick tick tickin in my head, got the time tick tick tickin in my head
Got another man to see, tickin in my head Joe, no such thing as tomorrow
got the time tick tick tickin in my head
no such thing as tomorrow
no such thing as tomorrow
Tryin ta get a watch repaired, tickin in my head, got another day to get
Got the time tick tick tickin in my head, got the time tick tick tickin in my head Got, tickin in my head
never got a thing to wear
tickin in my head
Tickin in my head, little ringin on the telephone Time, never got a thing to wear
Got another day to get, got the time tick tick tickin in my head
No such thing as tomorrow, tickin in my head
got another letter to write
got the time tick tick tickin in my head
got another day to get
got the time tick tick tickin in my head
Never got a thing to wear, gotta write another letter The, tickin in my head
tickin in my head
Tickin in my head, shut up and get out of my way, i don t know
Tickin in my head, never got a thing to wear
tickin in my head
Gotta call him on the telephone ay o, got the time tick tick tickin in my head
got the time tick tick tickin in my head
Tickin in my head, got the time tick tick tickin in my head, tryin ta get a watch repaired
Got the time tick tick tickin in my head, i don t know
gotta find a piece of paper
got the time tick tick tickin in my head
Got another man to see, gotta get a letter just right, tickin in my head
Gotta get a letter just right, got the time tick tick tickin in my head Jackson, someone ask me what the time is
tickin in my head
Got the time tick tick tickin in my head, tickin in my head
Got another letter to write, no such thing as tomorrow, no such thing as tomorrow
Got the time tick tick tickin in my head, gotta find a piece of paper Got, got the time tick tick tickin in my head
Tickin in my head, tickin in my head Time, got another man to see
Got the time tick tick tickin in my head, tickin in my head, gotta get a letter just right