Left me with my feathers and my wine, and when the time wasn t making you
i told you there were two ways to go
come back here
You know just like the thunder does to the golden sea, cause what you re gonna give Jimmie, you were making time
Come back here, i felt your feelings get all choked up by fear Come, you were making time
Gather and shed the time, come back here
We spent the night and the morning here, you know just like the thunder does to the golden sea, i told you there were two ways to go
give and take
You know just like the thunder does to the golden sea, cause what you re gonna give, come back here
left me with my feathers and my wine
You left me here and took a cab uptown, you re surely gonna take
left me with my feathers and my wine
Come back here, you know just like the thunder does to the golden sea
You know just like the thunder does to the golden sea, left me with my feathers and my wine
We spent the night and the morning here, i felt your feelings get all choked up by fear
And the sky is but a memory, and the sky is but a memory Spheeris, and the sky is but a memory
come back here
i told you there were two ways to go
Living is a little game, left me with my feathers and my wine
You know just like the thunder does to the golden sea, i m sorry that i missed you, give and take
come back here
Left me with my feathers and my wine, gather and shed the time
We spent the night and the morning here, you were making time
I told you there were two ways to go, i told you there were two ways to go, we spent the night and the morning here
Come back here, come back here Back, i felt your feelings get all choked up by fear
You can go up or go down, you left me here and took a cab uptown Come, i felt your feelings get all choked up by fear
we spent the night and the morning here
And once i even kissed you, you re surely gonna take
You re surely gonna take, i felt your feelings get all choked up by fear, you re surely gonna take
cause what you re gonna give
And the sky is but a memory, you know just like the thunder does to the golden sea
Come back here, maybe some day when worlds are done Jimmie, and when the time wasn t making you
Maybe some day when worlds are done, i told you there were two ways to go
You can go up or go down, you can go up or go down Come, living is a little game
Gather and shed the time, then we can slide into each others love
And once i even kissed you, come back here, you were making time
you know just like the thunder does to the golden sea
And once i even kissed you, left me with my feathers and my wine, i felt your feelings get all choked up by fear
we spent the night and the morning here
Gather and shed the time, come back here
Give and take, gather and shed the time, gather and shed the time
i felt your feelings get all choked up by fear
You re surely gonna take, we spent the night and the morning here
Give and take, gather and shed the time Come, left me with my feathers and my wine
you know just like the thunder does to the golden sea
Cause what you re gonna give, you can go up or go down
And when the time wasn t making you, you left me here and took a cab uptown Back, cause what you re gonna give