It’s been coming for so long
It’s been coming for so long
Realize your freedom
Realize your freedom
Into the rays of the rising sun
Into the rays of the rising sun
You’ll find your freedom
You’ll find your freedom
One day I’ll look into the eyes
The eyes of freedom
One day I’ll look into the eyes
The eyes of freedom
Jimi was whole package: costume, spirit, attitude, freedom ex. everything was right.
He was limitless with his mind and he was just growing up.
Person who could play even the building crushed pieces. He was so into it intensity in this song is amazing.
Imagine if this man would have lived 50 more years. Imagine the just absolutely mesmerizing albums this man would have produced. His existence has inspired millions and completely defined a decade. Hands down the best guitar player in the world.
Jimi was trying to keep up with times by interjecting what sounds like a Jackson 5 motif at 2:28 in the song. I've always wondered if he'd ever heard them! Nevertheless the kids in the crowd seemed receptive to this at the time unreleased song.