It s like one second in a day, and children growing
it s like one second in a day
Please don t work so hard, and don t work that hard
To live for the money and work that hard, now you re missing all Jil, so please don t work
To live for the money and work that hard, and don t work that hard
You don t have to love the money, it s like one second in a day
Five weeks in a year, just because your time is running
Now you re missing all, please don t let the seasons go away, and children growing
And don t work that hard, please don t let the seasons go away
And children growing, just because your time is running Jil, to live for the money and work that hard
Please don t work that way, please don t let the seasons go away
Try to make them stay, now you re missing all Jil, and don t work that hard
Now you re missing all, and don t work that hard
Please don t work that way, and children growing
Five weeks in a year, please don t work that way, so please don t work
Please don t let the seasons go away, five weeks in a year
just because the time is running
Be content with flowers blooming, please don t let the seasons go away Jil, be content with flowers blooming
You don t have to work that hard, you don t have to love the money
you don t have to love the money
Be content with flowers blooming, just because the time is running, it s like one second in a day
try to make them stay
And children growing, five weeks in a year, to live for the money and work that hard
Please don t let the seasons go away, now you re missing all
try to make them stay
to live for the money and work that hard
Please don t let the seasons go away, be content with flowers blooming
Please don t work that way, so please don t work
Please don t work that way, please don t let the seasons go away, to live for the money and work that hard
Just because your time is running, it s like one second in a day, five weeks in a year
it s like one second in a day
You don t have to love the money, five weeks in a year
Please don t work that way, try to make them stay
just because the time is running
try to make them stay
please don t let the seasons go away
You don t have to love the money, please don t work so hard Jil, so please don t work