a pill poppin jukebox is all that you are
Hey roll over dj, hey roll over dj if you don t mind
Cause i don t mind, got your supersonic beats mixing up my keds Rollover, hey roll over dj if you don t mind
hey rollover dj
What s you re name, who cares what you play Jet, what s your name
i wanna move but i don t feel right
What s you re name, so tell what you re trying to say
I don t mind, say whatever you say
so dance little dj come on
Hey roll over dj if you don t mind, cause i don t mind Rollover, hey rollover dj
say whatever you say
What s you re name, what s your name
Hey roll over dj if you don t mind, hey roll over dj if you don t mind
Who cares what you play, say whatever you say D.J., i wanna move but i don t feel right
You re spinning away, say whatever you say, i don t mind
well i know that you think you re the star
Hey roll over dj, hey roll over dj if you don t mind
cause you ve been playing other peoples songs all night
who cares what you play
you re spinning away
I don t mind, hey roll over dj if you don t mind, what s your name
hey rollover dj
so tell what you re trying to say
Well i know that you think you re the star, hey roll over dj if you don t mind
Cause i don t mind, say whatever you say
cause you ve been playing other peoples songs all night
Hey rollover dj, hey roll over dj if you don t mind, hey roll over dj if you don t mind
you re spinning away
Got your rhymes going round in my head, what s your name
Got your supersonic beats mixing up my keds, who cares what you play, hey roll over dj if you don t mind
you re spinning away
Hey roll over dj, hey roll over dj Rollover, what s your name
You re spinning away, hey roll over dj Jet, i don t mind
got your rhymes going round in my head
I wanna move but i don t feel right, roll over dj Jet, cause i don t mind
Well i know that you think you re the star, hey roll over dj
So tell me it ain t that way, who cares what you play
I wanna move but i don t feel right, got your supersonic beats mixing up my keds
Hey roll over dj, if you don t mind, who cares what you play
Who cares what you play, i wanna move but i don t feel right
What s you re name, got your supersonic beats mixing up my keds
cause you ve been playing other peoples songs all night
hey roll over dj if you don t mind
So tell what you re trying to say, who cares what you play
hey roll over dj
Who cares what you play, got your supersonic beats mixing up my keds
Hey roll over dj if you don t mind, a pill poppin jukebox is all that you are
who cares what you play