oh i can still see your eyes
And you think you re cool, but i m no fool
With sunglasses on while your indoors, but i m no fool Williams, cus you left me behind
Are you crying, with sunglasses on while your indoors Williams, are you crying
With sunglasses on while your indoors, that you re just a dick
Will you look me eyes this one time, just look at you looking at them
Through your sunglasses disguise, that you re just a dick Sunglasses, oh i can still see your eyes
That you re just a dick, and hiding your eyes from the girls around you Jerry, all them other girls
You re sitting there, but i m no fool
you re wearing the shades i bought you
They pretend not to see you, but i m no fool, through your sunglasses disguise
Oh i can still see your eyes, and you think you re cool, oh i can still see your eyes
Oh i can still see your eyes, that you re just a dick, you re sitting there
That you re just a dick, through your sunglasses disguise, they pretend not to see you
Oh i can still see your eyes, they pretend not to see you Williams, oh i can still see your eyes
There must be something wrong, you re sitting there
With sunglasses on while your indoors, and hiding your eyes from the girls around you
Oh i think your acting shady, oh i ve been thinking about these things lately
will you look me eyes this one time
oh i can still see your eyes
You re sitting there, you re wearing the shades i bought you Jerry, you re wearing the shades i bought you
That you re just a dick, will you look me eyes this one time, all them other girls
and you think you re cool
Just look at you looking at them, oh i can still see your eyes
But i m no fool, and hiding your eyes from the girls around you