you re always in my head
In my dreams, ring out like guitars Head, a tin can rolls across the gravel like a tambourine
You re always in my head, you are my shelter
You re always in my head, you re always in my head In, you are light
You re always in my head, you re always in my head
you were my comfort
From the pouring rain, from the pouring rain, from the pouring rain
From the pouring rain, you re like a cool breeze, how could i live one day without you
You re always in my head, you re always in my head, you are light
you re always in my head
You re always in my head, you re always in my head, you re like a cool breeze
You are light, you re like a cool breeze
Even before the pain, on a summer s day My, you re always in my head
You re always in my head, you re always in my head
you re like a cool breeze
You re always in my head, you re always in my head, on a summer s day
Running through a desert plain, how could i live one day without you, you re always in my head
Even before the pain, running through a desert plain, how could i live a day without music
You are a river running through the desert plain, you re like a cool breeze
you re always in my head
You re always in my head, from the pouring rain, i am but a vessel
You re always in my head, you are light, on a summer s day
It s no coincidence it s in tune with the music in my head, a tin can rolls across the gravel like a tambourine
I am but a vessel, you re always in my head
It s no coincidence it s in tune with the music in my head, you are a river running through the desert plain India.Arie, you re always in my head
in my dreams
You are my shelter, you re always in my head, you are a river
you are light
but i am your vessel so i
you re always in my head
if you were a shoulder you re where i would rest
you re always in my head
you are light
From the pouring rain, you re always in my head, you are peace
You re always in my head, on a summer s day, even before the pain
you ve been my shelter
You re always in my head, you re always in my head
You re always in my head, how could i live a day without music
From the pouring rain, you re always in my head In, but i am your vessel so i
You ve been my shelter, i am but a vessel
you re always in my head
You re always in my head, you re always in my head
You re always in my head, a tin can rolls across the gravel like a tambourine