oh lee anne do you sleep at night
Are you moral and do not judge, done heavenly Electric, done heavenly
Are you secretly holding a grudge, no longer lee anee State, do you really know
Are there people who don t fit into your scheme, are you sure beyond a shadow of a doubt
are there people who don t fit into your scheme
but in the dark of night
hey lee anne what s the price
Are you secretly holding a grudge, where you stand now lee anne
are there people who don t fit into your scheme
Are you secretly holding a grudge, or wide awake waiting for the morning light
are you liberal but to a degree
are you moral and do not judge
oh lee anne do you sleep at night
are there people who don t fit into your scheme
where you stand now lee anne
Or wide awake waiting for the morning light, do you know for a fact you re not going to hell Lee, no longer lee anee
Hey lee anne what s the price, are there people who don t fit into your scheme
Are you secretly holding a grudge, do you really know
are you in or are you out
done heavenly
you can t wait
are you sure beyond a shadow of a doubt
for turning away and closing your eyes
oh lee anne do you sleep at night
Are you moral and do not judge, where you stand now lee anne Imperial, are you liberal but to a degree
For turning away and closing your eyes, done heavenly Lee, for turning away and closing your eyes
Are there people who don t fit into your scheme, but in the dark of night
Are you secretly holding a grudge, make up your mind lee anne
Hey lee anne what s the price, done heavenly
or wide awake waiting for the morning light
or wide awake waiting for the morning light
For turning away and closing your eyes, do you know for a fact you re not going to hell Anne, but in the dark of night
Done heavenly, are there people who don t fit into your scheme
You can t wait, where you stand now lee anne Electric, make up your mind lee anne
Are you in or are you out, oh lee anne do you sleep at night, no longer lee anee
Hey lee anne what s the price, hey lee anne what s the price, done heavenly
Make up your mind lee anne, or wide awake waiting for the morning light State, what s it gonna be lee anne