you re a nova
You re a nova, judging by a rank and a profile picture
You ll never win if you don t push, the time we wait
you ll never win if you don t push
So what s wrong with a full tec-9 rush b, you re a nova
you ve got cool skins
So what s wrong with a full tec-9 rush b, i could use a couple picks myself Let, you re a nova
well the awpers start buyin and they don t stop buyin
Only top fraggers make mg, and they say you get better
you ll never win if you don t push
so many rounds
get your rank up
Well the awpers start buyin and they don t stop buyin, get your skins on, only top fraggers make mg
All that kills you s op, you ll never win if you don t push
how about yours
Only top fraggers make mg, somebody once told me i awp like maikelele
You re a nova, well the awpers start buyin and they don t stop buyin
Get your skins on, get your rank up
Your igl s smart but his strats are dumb, so many rounds, all that kills you s op
But with rifles i just couldn t hit heads, get your rank up, you re a nova
Your igl s smart but his strats are dumb, only top fraggers make mg, third round glass cannon and they hit the ground dyin
Of a kawaii little anime girlfriend, get your skins on
Your igl s smart but his strats are dumb, only top fraggers make mg
you re a nova
so what s wrong with a full tec-9 rush b
only top fraggers make mg
Somebody once asked could i drop them an awp fast, get your rank up
You ll never know if you don t rush, i could use a couple picks myself
judging by a rank and a profile picture
he was looking kinda dumb with a sticker on his gun
my rank s still nova
You re a nova, didn t make sense not to buy a good gun
And they say you get better, you re a nova
so many rounds
Get your skins on, so what s wrong with a full tec-9 rush b, get your rank up
All that kills you s op, only top fraggers make mg
you re a nova
Your igl s smart but his strats are dumb, judging by a rank and a profile picture
All that kills you s op, you re a nova It, get your skins on
All that kills you s op, get your skins on
So many rounds, so what s wrong with a full tec-9 rush b Ijahman, you ll never win if you don t push
Only top fraggers make mg, judging by a rank and a profile picture, the time we wait
didn t make sense not to buy a good gun
You ll never know if you don t rush, your igl s smart but his strats are dumb
It s 12 to 3, my rank s still nova
Only top fraggers make mg, i could use a couple picks myself
Somebody once told me i awp like maikelele, somebody once told me i awp like maikelele
Well the awpers start buyin and they don t stop buyin, somebody once told me i awp like maikelele It, you re a nova
It s 12 to 3, so many rounds, and they say you get better
Get your skins on, you re a nova, third round glass cannon and they hit the ground dyin
i could use a couple picks myself
You re nova 3 now but wait til you get master, you re a nova Be, didn t make sense not to buy a good gun
third round glass cannon and they hit the ground dyin