If i could disappear, floating on the edge of the abyss once again Hybrid, it s a long way down to the vacuity
if i could disappear
Blood injected eyes, burning from inside, i want to close my eyes
existence is what i
where are the arms that used to hold me
Sleepless every night, where are the arms that used to hold me
where was the point of no return
where was the point of no return
existence is what i
Where was the point of no return, where are the arms that used to hold me
if i could disappear
sleepless every night
where was the point of no return
Where was the point of no return, where are the arms that used to hold me
The space begins to withdraw into itself, where was the point of no return
crushed by the weight of existence
Blood injected eyes, burning from inside
Staring at the void, self-implosion, self-implosion
Sleepless every night, down on my knees in front of a twisted reflection
Where was the point of no return, confined to this darkened cell
crushed by the weight of existence
Down on my knees in front of a twisted reflection, burning from inside, blood injected eyes
Floating on the edge of the abyss once again, where was the point of no return, where was the point of no return
Where was the point of no return, the space begins to withdraw into itself, it s a long way down to the vacuity
Where was the point of no return, despair begins once more, staring at the void
If i could disappear, burning from inside
Every night i fall with my exposed guts, if i could disappear Self-Implosion, existence is what i
Where was the point of no return, where was the point of no return Self-Implosion, i don t belong here
the space begins to withdraw into itself
Existence is what i, blood injected eyes
Down on my knees in front of a twisted reflection, blood injected eyes
i don t belong here
Floating on the edge of the abyss once again, blood injected eyes Hybrid, sleepless every night
Blood injected eyes, despair begins once more, where was the point of no return
Existence is what i, blood injected eyes, i don t belong here
floating on the edge of the abyss once again
Self-implosion, self-implosion
Losing touch with this world, staring at the void
Self-implosion, this gnawing inner state-of-being is all i am
Burning from inside, the space begins to withdraw into itself
never coming back again
despair begins once more
floating on the edge of the abyss once again
This gnawing inner state-of-being is all i am, losing touch with this world, losing touch with this world
every night i fall with my exposed guts
it s a long way down to the vacuity
Where was the point of no return, blood injected eyes, i want to close my eyes
I want to close my eyes, if i could disappear Hybrid, despair begins once more
floating on the edge of the abyss once again
sleepless every night
This gnawing inner state-of-being is all i am, where are the arms that used to hold me, this gnawing inner state-of-being is all i am
Confined to this darkened cell, where are the arms that used to hold me, where was the point of no return
Down on my knees in front of a twisted reflection, staring at the void Hybrid, blood injected eyes
Where was the point of no return, sleepless every night, sleepless every night
Where was the point of no return, never coming back again
Confined to this darkened cell, i don t belong here
Staring at the void, it s a long way down to the vacuity, it s a long way down to the vacuity
Floating on the edge of the abyss once again, self-implosion, staring at the void