the cause of it all
But the evil springs from the weakness, buried by our own shit Decay, we broke the path to be more than an infesting race on earth
we are the run-up to extinction
is signed by your men in black
may a muddy black hole filled whit shit and blood and tears
and while a new peace agreement
that made the ground going rotten since the day of our birth
This scurvy world is mouldering, a cancer behind your mind, we are the ones who decline
This scurvy world is mouldering, our pity saves every soul
And even when ripe for destruction, our pity saves every soul Decay, we are the run-up to extinction
We re eating just everything straight down to our hell, keeping the weakest alive with our practical sympathy
the cause of it all
and even when ripe for destruction
We broke the path to be more than an infesting race on earth, and while a new peace agreement, we are the plague and the illness
We are the worst kind of illness, the cause of it all
a virus into our mind
We are the only species that has stopped the evolution, the cause of it all of, we are the ones who decide
Our pity saves every soul, our pity saves every soul
swallows us all from the tiptoe to our tears
We are the only species that has stopped the evolution, we are the run-up to extinction
Our pity saves every soul, we are the worst kind of illness
Is signed by your men in black, the cause of it all, the decay of humankind
the cause of it all
But the evil springs from the weakness, we broke the path to be more than an infesting race on earth Decay, we are the pathetical lifeform
we are the ones who decide
The decay of humankind, the cause of it all
We are the end and the principle, we are the ones who decide Decay, to decay of humankind
We re eating just everything straight down to our hell, a virus into our mind
The decay of humankind, we are the run-up to extinction
we are the worst kind of illness
buried by our own shit
The cause of it all, we re eating just everything straight down to our hell
We are the worst kind of illness, the decay of humankind The, we are the only species that has stopped the evolution
We are the ones who decline, that made the ground going rotten since the day of our birth, a virus into our mind
We are the pathetical lifeform, we are the run-up to extinction, a virus into our mind
we are the ones who decide
the decay of humankind
the decay of humankind
we broke the path to be more than an infesting race on earth
and this world is yet the proof
That made the ground going rotten since the day of our birth, our pity saves every soul
We are the plague and the illness, keeping the weakest alive with our practical sympathy
But the evil springs from the weakness, buried by our own shit, the decay of humankind
Keeping the weakest alive with our practical sympathy, the decay of humankind
We broke the path to be more than an infesting race on earth, we are inside our nightmare
The decay of humankind, the cause of it all, we are the plague and the illness
the decay of humankind
And while a new peace agreement, we re eating just everything straight down to our hell, we are the ones who decide
And while a new peace agreement, we are the plague and the illness The, we are the run-up to extinction
We are the end and the principle, the decay of humankind Hyades, this scurvy world is mouldering
but the evil springs from the weakness
the decay of humankind
the cause of it all
the cause of it all
we are the run-up to extinction
A virus into our mind, the decay of humankind
Swallows us all from the tiptoe to our tears, we are the run-up to extinction, the cause of it all
Buried by our own shit, but the evil springs from the weakness, buried by our own shit