this is my sanctuary
hold the silence for a second
On my own hour, the place i can think, discover my power
Take the weights of my shoulder, when nobody knows me do no harm
The place i can think, take the weights of my shoulder, before i m older
My cathedral of thought, this is my sanctuary
where i can be bolder
where i can be bolder
when nobody knows me do no harm
before i m older
take the weights of my shoulder
More than me, hold the silence for a second Hope, where my secrets call
this is my sanctuary
Take the weights of my shoulder, the place i can think
Where trees never fall, but in no way alone, more than me
Where i can be bolder, this is my sactuary Hope, this is my sanctuary
this is my sanctuary
I m completely removed, more than me, this is my sanctuary
take the weights of my shoulder
Take the weights of my shoulder, my cathedral of thought Sanctuary, when nobody knows me do no harm
I m completely removed, this is my sactuary
Before i m older, hold the silence for a second, the place i can be
this is my sanctuary
When nobody knows me do no harm, retime to the place where i feel calm Sanctuary, my cathedral of thought
I m completely removed, pause a moment
Where my secrets call, take the weights of my shoulder
The place i can be, in the clearing i am weightless Hope, when nobody knows me do no harm
I have no restrictions, where i can be bolder, before i m older
Retime to the place where i feel calm, the place i can be, i m completely removed
This is my sanctuary, where trees never fall
Where i can be bolder, the place i can be
the place i can be
Discover my power, where my secrets call, where i can be bolder
My cathedral of thought, this is my sactuary, take the weights of my shoulder
Where trees never fall, discover my power Hope, i have no restrictions
The place i can be, take the weights of my shoulder Sanctuary, where i can be bolder
this is my sactuary
the place i can be
Before i m older, where i can be bolder, my minds on bound
This is my sanctuary, retime to the place where i feel calm
Discover my power, when nobody knows me do no harm, discover my power
take the weights of my shoulder
More than me, where i can be bolder
The place i can think, more than me Hope, this is my sanctuary
On my own hour, on my own hour
the place i can be
The place i can think, take the weights of my shoulder
Discover my power, my cathedral of thought, pause a moment
When nobody knows me do no harm, more than me
On my own hour, i have no restrictions, take the weights of my shoulder
This is my sanctuary, hold the silence for a second
Before i m older, this is my sanctuary Sanctuary, where i can be bolder
the place i can be
I m completely removed, where my secrets call
this is my sanctuary
Where i can be bolder, where trees never fall Hope, where my secrets call
where trees never fall
More than me, my cathedral of thought Sanctuary, before i m older