Can you bear the pain, can you bear the pain You, although you re grieving
Are you man enough, now that she s revealed ooh Enough,, look at you now
You got to try to make the most of it, tell me are you man enough, you re caught in a bad situation
Are you man enough, can you take the strain, i wanna know
You got to try to make the most of it, now that she s revealed
Don t think of leaving, are you man enough, are you strong enough
Can you stay composed, now that she s revealed
All your love and a happy home, and didn t i tell you your match can be met, are you man enough
you re caught in a bad situation
look at you now look at you
You re caught in a bad situation, can you take the strain, can you take the strain
Can you take the strain, tell me are you man enough
Are you strong enough, now didn t i tell you love can cause regret
Can you take the strain, can you take the strain
Are you strong enough, all your love and a happy home You, are you strong enough
Now didn t i tell you that love can cause regret, can you bear the pain
Tell me how does it feel, look at you now, you re caught in a bad situation
Now that she has gone ooh, are you strong enough
tell me how does it feel
they hurt your pride
Now that she s revealed, can you stay composed
can you take the strain
Can you take the strain, look at you now look at you You, tell me how does it feel
Are you strong enough, and didn t i tell you your match can be met, all your love and a happy home
Are you strong enough, can you bear the pain, you got to raise him all alone look at you
Can you take the strain, can you take the strain
can you bear the pain
And didn t i tell you that your match can be met, are you strong enough
tell me are you man enough
Tell me how does it feel, now didn t i tell you love can cause regret, all your love and a happy home
tell me are you man enough
can you take the strain
Look at you now look at you, and you ache inside
Can you bear the pain, and the child that loves you so
all your love and a happy home
Your pride and joy is not your little boy, now that she has gone ooh Strong, now that you ve found out ooh
Are you man enough, tell me are you man enough, are you strong enough
Can you bear the pain, all i wanna know is are you man enough, they hurt your pride
And didn t i tell you that your match can be met, all i wanna know is are you man enough
Now that you ve found out, can you take the strain, can you take the strain
Now that you ve found out ooh, you re trapped between a shattered ego