This place in our heart we ve once departed, trapped in a cage
limitless imagination yet we don t know
Remember your roots with home in our heart, remember your roots with home in our heart
Torn from our past, remember your roots with home in our heart
Remember your roots where we all started, we forgot our priorities
Remember your home where you anchored your heart, capitalism pigs deprive us of our freedom, this place in our heart we ve once departed
remember your roots where we all started
We lost our trail, remember your roots where we all started Home, remember your home where you anchored your heart
Remember your home where your story began, still as we fight to preserve what we hold dear
we lost ourselves
forgot our priorities
Remember your roots where we all started, we forgot our priorities, wrapped up in insecurities
Capitalism pigs deprive us of our freedom, remember your roots where we all started Home, torn from our past
Still as we fight to preserve what we hold dear, you know what this stands for
wrapped up in insecurities
Remember your roots with home in our heart, we lost ourselves, still as we fight to preserve what we hold dear
We lost our trail, remember your roots where we all started
Remember your home where you anchored your heart, wrapped up in insecurities Homewards, recall your home
Torn from our past, torn from our past, torn from our past
We lost our trail, recall your home
we forgot our priorities
And finish what we ve started, recall your home
how to set ourselves free
This place in our heart we ve once departed, you know what this stands for
trapped in a cage
This place in our heart we ve once departed, torn from our past, we lost our trail
We lost ourselves, life won t be hopeless
how to set ourselves free
Still as we fight to preserve what we hold dear, recall your home Home, recall your home
Capitalism pigs deprive us of our freedom, you know what this stands for Home, still as we fight to preserve what we hold dear
still as we fight to preserve what we hold dear
this place in our heart we ve once departed
Remember your home where your story began, remember your roots where we all started
Life won t be hopeless, you know what this stands for
And finish what we ve started, remember your roots with home in our heart, remember your home where you anchored your heart
We forgot our priorities, forgot our priorities Home, recall your home
And finish what we ve started, we know no fear
Trapped in a cage, you know what this stands for Home, we lost our trail