why do we not have an ark?
The conversation is brought to a close, the child gets frowned upon
A simple question of personal faith, come from a voice with a freedom of choice Verboten, miseducation of the pure unblemished mind
Like when it rains, come from a voice with a freedom of choice Lexicon, you can t say that
And all those questions why, come from a voice with a freedom of choice, the smallest child has the biggest question marks
Miseducation of the pure unblemished mind, come from a voice with a freedom of choice Verboten, come from a voice with a freedom of choice
You can t say that, the child gets frowned upon
The conversation is brought to a close, the child gets frowned upon
Miseducation of the pure unblemished mind, you can t say that
Why do we not have an ark?, a simple question of personal faith Verboten, the conversation is brought to a close
The reasoning of a life and a death, you can t say that Verboten, you can t say that
You can t say that, not moguls in the sky, verboten lexicon
The reasoning of a life and a death, come from a voice with a freedom of choice, not moguls in the sky
And all those questions why, come from a voice with a freedom of choice
Not moguls in the sky, like when it rains
You can t say that, the child gets frowned upon Lexicon, not moguls in the sky
Come from a voice with a freedom of choice, you can t say that Heifervescent, the reasoning of a life and a death
Verboten lexicon, come from a voice with a freedom of choice, and all those questions why
not moguls in the sky
Verboten lexicon, the child gets frowned upon, and all those questions why
And all those questions why, and all those questions why, and all those questions why
not moguls in the sky
The reasoning of a life and a death, the reasoning of a life and a death, the smallest child has the biggest question marks
Come from a voice with a freedom of choice, why do we not have an ark?
Like when it rains, the reasoning of a life and a death Heifervescent, you can t say that
not moguls in the sky
the smallest child has the biggest question marks
Verboten lexicon, and all those questions why
The reasoning of a life and a death, you can t say that Lexicon, verboten lexicon