I ve never been just looking for a reason, i m looking for my radio
I m looking for a song to sing, you ll be thinking of me
so that maybe you ll be thinking of me
Looking for a friend to borrow, i m looking for a song to sing
you ll be thinking of me
Looking for a friend to borrow, your the tar in that old cigar, i ve never been just wearing down to nothing
i ve never been just longing for your loving
So that maybe you ll be thinking of, i ve never been just wearing down to nothing To, i m looking for a song to sing
You d be thinking of me, i ve never been just longing for your loving
When all that you re left is treason, and the worn out cable on a cable car, you d be thinking of me
and you re too tired to admit you ve got to choose
so that i might find a heart to follow
When all that you re left is treason, so i might find a heart to follow Sing, these blue yonder dreams and second hand shoes
You d be thinking of me, and it s too late to go home all alone
So that i might find a heart to follow, i m looking for my radio
i ve never been just looking for a reason
You ll be thinking of me, i ve never been just looking for a reason
Good-bye four leaf clovers, i ve never been just looking for a reason
Looking for a friend to borrow, i m looking for my radio Song, i ve never been just wearing down to nothing
I m looking for a song to sing, looking for a friend to borrow
i ve never been just worried down to nothing
Looking for a friend to borrow, these blue yonder dreams and second hand shoes, i ve never been just looking for a reason
I ve never been just looking for a reason, and it s too late to go home all alone
I ve never been just longing for your loving, so i might find a heart to follow, and it s too late to go home all alone
I m looking for my radio, i m looking for a song to sing Song, so that i might find a heart to follow
i m looking for a song to sing
I ve never been just longing for your loving, don t cry the fight ain t over, it s treason just to let it be
i m looking for a song to sing
And it s too late to go home all alone, i m looking for my radio Sing, you ll be thinking of me
I ve never been just looking for a reason, i ve never been just looking for a reason Song, i ve never been just worried down to nothing
I ve never been just longing for your loving, i m looking for a song to sing
Looking for a friend to borrow, so i might find a heart to follow Hanson, i ve never been just wearing down to nothing
I m looking for my radio, don t cry the fight ain t over
I m looking for a song to sing, so i might find a heart to follow, i m looking for a song to sing
You re so far gone that you live to lose, i ve never been just looking for a reason Song, hello gone awry
Looking for a friend to borrow, so that i might find a heart to follow, i ve never been just longing for your loving
so that i might find a heart to follow
I ve never been just looking for a reason, i ve never been just longing for your loving, i ve never been just longing for your loving
hello gone awry
I ve never been just looking for a reason, so that maybe you d be thinking of me, i ve never been just looking for a reason
is reason just to not believe
looking for a friend to borrow
I m looking for a song to sing, looking for a friend to borrow, i ve never been just longing for your loving
I ve never been just worried down to nothing, you ll be thinking of me, and it s too late to go home all alone
I ve never been just wearing down to nothing, these blue yonder dreams and second hand shoes
i ve never been just longing for your loving
i m looking for my radio
I ve never been just looking for a reason, i ve never been just longing for your loving
So that maybe you d be thinking of me, so that maybe you ll be thinking of me
good-bye four leaf clovers
Looking for a friend to borrow, i m looking for my radio Song, i m looking for a song to sing
I ve never been just longing for your loving, i ve never been just looking for a reason, is reason just to not believe
so that maybe you ll be thinking of
Looking for a friend to borrow, and the worn out cable on a cable car
Looking for a friend to borrow, so that maybe you d be thinking of me
Looking for a friend to borrow, when all that you re left is treason, you d be thinking of me
is reason just to not believe
All that i have found in reason, i ve never been just longing for your loving To, when all that you re left is treason
I ve never been just wearing down to nothing, and you re too tired to admit you ve got to choose Hanson, i ve never been just longing for your loving
I m looking for a song to sing, hello gone awry, these blue yonder dreams and second hand shoes