Going nowhere, you were the bees knees in your prime, no ticket to the boat now your left behind
Going nowhere, i m going nowhere
going nowhere
i m going nowhere
just suck it up eyes chin and checks
no ticket to the boat now your left behind
I m going nowhere, the sign read right but you made a wrong turn
bought a round trip but it goes one way
While the kiddies play got a good hunch what the others say, i m going nowhere, since i ve got no place to go
While the kiddies play got a good hunch what the others say, the sign read right but you made a wrong turn
Going nowhere, just suck it up eyes chin and checks Mulligan, not a soul on earth that you haven t burned
I m going nowhere, that fork in the road didn t taste so sweet
going nowhere
The sign read right but you made a wrong turn, once upon a time you were so refined Mulligan, going nowhere
just suck it up eyes chin and checks
The sign read right but you made a wrong turn, i m going nowhere, the futures now but it looks so bleak
since i ve got no place to go
going nowhere
Going nowhere, you were the bees knees in your prime, i m going nowhere
Once upon a time you were so refined, i m going nowhere The, one by one your losing your teeth
Since i ve got no place to go, bought a round trip but it goes one way Human, while the kiddies play got a good hunch what the others say
Since i ve got no place to go, had a great girl but you lost your turn Mulligan, going nowhere
One by one your losing your teeth, since i ve got no place to go
going nowhere
Just suck it up eyes chin and checks, that fork in the road didn t taste so sweet The, i m going nowhere
While the kiddies play got a good hunch what the others say, going nowhere
Going nowhere, going nowhere Human, going nowhere
while the kiddies play got a good hunch what the others say
the futures now but it looks so bleak
while the kiddies play got a good hunch what the others say
Once upon a time you were so refined, going nowhere Human, going nowhere
Going nowhere, had a great girl but you lost your turn, once upon a time you were so refined
one by one your losing your teeth
had a great girl but you lost your turn
Going nowhere, if there was a hell maybe than you d learn
One by one your losing your teeth, once upon a time you were so refined, going nowhere
Once upon a time you were so refined, that fork in the road didn t taste so sweet
just suck it up eyes chin and checks
Going nowhere, that fork in the road didn t taste so sweet
Just suck it up eyes chin and checks, no ticket to the boat now your left behind
Had a great girl but you lost your turn, i m going nowhere, while the kiddies play got a good hunch what the others say
Going nowhere, going nowhere The, the futures now but it looks so bleak
While the kiddies play got a good hunch what the others say, going to a dark place where you sit all day peek out the window
Going to a dark place where you sit all day peek out the window, if there was a hell maybe than you d learn
Just suck it up eyes chin and checks, going nowhere
If there was a hell maybe than you d learn, the sign read right but you made a wrong turn, no ticket to the boat now your left behind
one by one your losing your teeth
Had a great girl but you lost your turn, i m going nowhere
once upon a time you were so refined
The futures now but it looks so bleak, since i ve got no place to go
No ticket to the boat now your left behind, just suck it up eyes chin and checks
Now it s you your cats and a box of wine, going nowhere, had a great girl but you lost your turn