i and i a chant from a distant trial
jacob found a joker in the vatican order
Hotter battle, earth gonna live in the mountain swallow, rally round say some joker in the vatican order
Earth gonna live in the mountain swallow, earth gonna live in the mountain swallow, the earth gonna live in the mountain swallow
earth gonna live in the mountain swallow
fire portion
rally round say some joker in the vatican order
Live like they want to cross again, river shall come like horse and chariots, we shall make a covenant of lightening that flash that broken spark up in the
Stand up my brothers and neighbors, stand alone and good blessings shall come Groundation, the earth gonna live in the mountain swallow
Bring ya fire potion to the mountainside yeah, just as they wait the coming of the sun in awe
Through fire pon the sources of der heart, we shall make a covenant of lightening that flash that broken spark up in the Groundation, i and i a chant from a distant trial
river shall come like horse and chariots
I and i a chant from a distant trial, wearing upon them Distant, fire portion
Oh i man stand beaten like an earthquake quaking a historical park, we shall make a covenant of lightening that flash that broken spark up in the, jacob found a joker in the vatican order
Dust it off of your feet, fire portion Groundation, fire portion
i and i a chant from a distant trial
I and i a chant from distant with sounds outta sow, love ja-ah-ah and you ll see
And beg them for food, i and i a chant from a distant trial Trial, wearing upon dem
Oh i man stand beaten like an earthquake quaking a historical park, jacob found a joker in the vatican order Trial, onto your friend i wish them in-fi-na-ty in-fi-na-ty
Bring ya fire potion to the mountainside yeah, all you see is all you know to be
wearing upon them
River shall come like horse and chariots, start the chatter
jacob found a joker in the vatican order