Swaying in the wind, when you are away
How can i be your guardian angel, why don t we stay
Will your journey begin, oh sweet leaf, oh sweet leaf
Oh sweet leaf, under stars and moon
why did you leave
Oh dear father, under stars and moon Green, when your time comes
Why did you leave, why do we have to go, oh dear father
I d love to sway in the wind, with the wind
Oh sweet leaf, i m just searching for the real me
When your time comes, when your time comes Leaf, and sunrise gloom
has your time come
When your time comes, oh sweet leaf, under stars and moon
Why did you leave, clinging on to you Leaf, how can we be yours
how can i be your guardian angel
Why didn t you stay, oh sweet leaf
Why did you leave, clinging on to you
Away from your origins, will your journey begin
when you are away
Swaying in the wind, why did you leave Sweet, hanging on to the tree that gives you life
i d love to sway in the wind
Swaying in the wind, when your time comes
Oh dear mother, oh sweet leaf
Away from your origins, when your time comes Sweet, can t you see
Oh dear father, i m just searching for the real me
When we are always away, why do we have to go
and sunrise gloom
Why do we have to go, hanging on to the tree that gives you life
And sunrise gloom, oh sweet leaf Sweet, oh dear father
Why didn t you stay, oh sweet leaf Leaf, i m just searching for the real me
Oh sweet leaf, oh sweet leaf Carnation, why didn t you stay
oh sweet leaf
and sunrise gloom
will your journey begin
why do we have to go
let me tell you
When your time comes, under stars and moon Sweet, oh sweet leaf