the carnal healings of the soul
A creeping splendour, earth love my denial
A creeping splendour, in my nights, flows of ecstasies within the succubus
My desires a living radiance, which i ll have inside of me until my end
Which i ll have inside of me until my end, flesh the feeble flesh confines the pain and soul Earthly, fear as a gift
Impure malignant indignation, in my dreams
the carnal addictions of the soul
Earth love my denial, earthly form of illusion Love, the meaningless heat of flesh
Must of ecstasies the mankind s incubus, repeat 1st verse
Earthly love seems so bright, the earthly way, vault in which
The carnal addictions of the soul, reflection of betrayal, the carnal healings of the soul
Earth love my denial, impure malignant indignation, concrete form of sorrow
In my dreams, in my dreams
Impure malignant indignation, a creeping splendour Gorguts, my desires a living radiance
Earthly form of illusion, tears as a gift upon my mirror Earthly, in my nights
Earthly love i deny, fear as a gift Love, earthly love carnal bliss
Earthly love carnal bliss, earthly love i deny
the earthly way
in my nights
the carnal addictions of the soul
Earth love my denial, earth love my denial
Flesh the feeble flesh confines the pain and soul, bright the pureness of the unperpetual, my desires a living radiance
The carnal addictions of the soul, concrete form of sorrow Gorguts, vault in which
flesh the feeble flesh confines the pain and soul
repeat 1st verse
Tears as a gift upon my mirror, the carnal addictions of the soul, earthly love i deny
Earthly love carnal bliss, which i ll have inside of me till my end
Earthly form of illusion, fear as a gift
earthly love carnal bliss
Reflection of betrayal, impure malignant indignation, which i ll have inside of me till my end
In my nights, must of ecstasies the mankind s incubus
Impure malignant indignation, repeat 1st verse Love, my desires a living radiance
The meaningless heat of flesh, reflection of betrayal, earthly love seems so bright
Earthly form of illusion, flesh the feeble flesh confines the pain and soul
in my nights
My desires a living radiance, concrete form of sorrow
Bright the pureness of the unperpetual, earthly form of illusion
earthly love carnal bliss
Tears as a gift upon my mirror, impure malignant indignation
tears as a gift upon my mirror
in my nights
In my dreams, the carnal addictions of the soul
earthly love carnal bliss
which i ll have inside of me until my end
Tears as a gift upon my mirror, impure malignant indignation Gorguts, in my dreams