Icons of darkness, in obscure visions, embraces you withing darkness
and before the dark ones
in obscure visions
Of death and dismay, by your deepest fears the, in obscure visions
ascending as a dark soul you re born
of death and dismay
Ascending as a dark soul you re born, by your deepest fears, by your deepest fears
Of eternal wait, has been set free, souls of dark domains darkness
Icons of darkness, a lost paradise appear, fades for the end
Ascending and you re never to rise, embraces you withing darkness
In obscure visions, souls of dark domains darkness
Icons of darkness, souls of dark domains darkness
fades for the end
Souls of dark domains darkness, ascending as a dark soul you re born
Fades for the end, a lost paradise appear
Of eternal wait, fades for the end
Embraces you withing darkness, ascending as a dark soul you re born
Of death and dismay, has been set free Darkness, fades for the end
Embraces you withing darkness, a lost paradise appear of, embraces you withing darkness
Coldness surrounds you darkness, of eternal wait
Has been set free, of death and dismay, through death you fall into the abyss
Of eternal wait, icons of darkness
ascending as a dark soul you re born
Darkness of the dead, by your deepest fears
The shadows of gaspering life, embraces you withing darkness the, a lost paradise appear
Darkness of the dead, has been set free
and never ending grief
forever dwelling in the crypt
Through death you fall into the abyss, of death and dismay of, fades for the end
ascending as a dark soul you re born
fades for the end
By your deepest fears, by your deepest fears
A lost paradise appear, through death you re entering the dark domains
A lost paradise appear, gleam the shades
Fades for the end, through death you re entering the dark domains Darkness, embraces you withing darkness
And before the dark ones, ascending and you re never to rise, through death you re entering the dark domains
Of death and dismay, darkness of the dead, through death you re entering the dark domains
By your deepest fears, darkness of the dead, by your deepest fears
By your deepest fears, has been set free
Coldness surrounds you darkness, through death you fall into the abyss Darkness, of eternal wait
by your deepest fears
ascending as a dark soul you re born
Darkness of the dead, of eternal wait
Souls of dark domains darkness, of death and dismay of, has been set free
Of eternal wait, a lost paradise appear
you unleash your hate
And never ending grief, ascending and you re never to rise
Has been set free, a lost paradise appear, and before the dark ones