Where spirits fly that is where i long to be, where spirits fly
where spirits fly and you and i are free
Dance where angels fear to tread, take a chance on me that s all i m asking
Where you and i can see beyond our wildest dreams, back in the land of the living where we re tied and bound Spirits, close your eyes and we could almost be
Dance where angels fear to tread, where spirits fly that is where i long to be
Where you and i can see beyond our wildest dreams, beyond belief
sometimes i wish i could shed my skin
Where spirits fly that is where i long to be, take a chance on me that s all i m asking
Back in the land of the living where we re tied and bound, beyond belief Dance, where spirits fly
take a chance on me that s all i m asking
Beyond belief, where spirits fly that is where i long to be Ghost, beyond belief
Come with me now spread your wings, where spirits fly
Where spirits fly, where spirits fly and you and i are free Ghost, sometimes i wish i could shed my skin
Come with me now spread your wings, where spirits fly and you and i are free
Dance where angels fear to tread, back in the land of the living where we re tied and bound, beyond belief
And leave this wounded land for dead, beyond belief
To walk the line between flesh and fantasy, throw doubt and caution to the wind, sometimes i wish i could shed my skin
And the weight of the world keeps bringing me down, where spirits fly, where spirits fly that is where i long to be
where you and i can see beyond our wildest dreams
Back in the land of the living where we re tied and bound, where spirits fly and you and i are free
Where spirits fly, close your eyes and we could almost be
Sometimes i wish i could shed my skin, beyond belief, to walk the line between flesh and fantasy
close your eyes and we could almost be
Where spirits fly that is where i long to be, beyond belief, beyond belief