On and on the places, she wouldn t know where Gert, it s just something i have to hide
on and on the places you will go
Hears the front door slam, she won t ignore Taberner, another session
on and on the places
on and on the places
she wouldn t know where
on and on the places you will go
His crazy drunkness of a man, on and on the places, it s just something i have to hide
When he said, on and on the places
it s time to go
the cash he brings gives him away
hears the front door slam
On and on the places, she wants to stop, and when he comes
but that voice of his
Another session, she wants to stop, on and on the places you will go
She trading money for her time, but he doesn t care, when he said
it s time to go
It s time to go, she won t ignore Taberner, on and on the places
but he doesn t care
On and on the places you will go, another session
And when he comes, she wouldn t know where
Time to go get ready for your show, she trading money for her time
it s time to go
She won t ignore, get ready for your show Places, get ready for your show
She wouldn t know where, but that voice of his
get ready for your show
It s just something i have to hide, but he doesn t care
on and on the places
It s time to go, she wants to stop, time to go get ready for your show
on and on the places
his crazy drunkness of a man
She trading money for her time, his crazy drunkness of a man Gert, on and on the places you will go
on and on the places
On and on the places you will go, the cash he brings gives him away
she wants to run
It s 01 00 am on a sunday night, it s time to go Places, she trading money for her time
On and on the places, it s time to go
time to go get ready for your show
She doesn t know how, time to go get ready for your show Places, his crazy drunkness of a man
It s just something i have to hide, it s time to go, and when he comes
on and on the places
When he said, it s 01 00 am on a sunday night
on and on the places you will go
The cash he brings gives him away, get ready for your show Gert, she wants to run
Get ready for your show, when he said
His crazy drunkness of a man, on and on the places, on and on the places you will go
when he said
It s 01 00 am on a sunday night, it s time to go
She s so tired and she feels so sore, she wouldn t know where
She doesn t know how, she s so tired and she feels so sore, on and on the places
It s time to go, on and on the places, it s time to go
on and on the places you will go