drink til the hurt is gone
Drink til i see the sun, drink til the hurt is gone
And so i drink, night after night i am thinking about you my darling, drink til i see the sun
Night after night i am thinking about you my darling, red wine will help me to kill all those feelings inside
Drink til the hurt is gone, drink til the morning comes Drink, and so i drink
Drink til the night is gone, and so i drink, and so i drink
Drink til i see the sun, red wine will help me to kill all those feelings inside Drink, and so i drink
drink til the night is gone
And so i drink, drink til i see the sun George, and so i drink
Drink til the hurt is gone, drink til i see the sun Drink, i know it will help me to make it til the next morning
drink til the morning comes
I know it will help me to make it til the next morning, drink til i see the sun
Drink til the morning comes, and so i drink, and so i drink
Drink til the night is gone, drink til the morning comes, night after night after night hurting myself
And so i drink, but the next day i am lonely again as can be Baker, and so i drink
Drink til i see the sun, drink til the night is gone
drink til the hurt is gone
i know it will help me to make it til the next morning
But the next day i am lonely again as can be, but the next day i am lonely again as can be
And so i drink, but the next day i am lonely again as can be, and so i drink
and so i drink
and so i drink
Drink til i see the sun, and so i drink Drink, drink til the hurt is gone
red wine will help me to kill all those feelings inside
Night after night i am thinking about you my darling, and so i drink
drink til the morning comes
Night after night after night hurting myself, drink til i see the sun Drink, drink til the hurt is gone
and so i drink