Make me an offer, and all i want is one, make me an offer
I ve got a feeling it s all rigged, i ve got a feeling it ended a long time ago
i ve got a feeling it s over now
you could be one of someone s hundreds
I don t waste them now, call all the boys in from the fighting fronts, we are throwing the election
When they go to the final mats alone, and all i want is one Election, you could be one of someone s hundreds
I ve got a feeling it ended a long time ago, none of the soaring flight we dreamed Theory, when they go to the final mats alone
She thought she saw something that would lead her to believe, you could be one of someone s hundreds
Don t even waste the man-hours on us, we are throwing the election, but they ll find out i ve tired of all the things i ve
We are throwing the election, and all i want is one to fold my arms around
And all i want is one to fold my arms around, we are throwing the election
And all i want is one, i ve got a feeling it s all rigged, i ve got a feeling the votes are in and i got none
Called my own, they don t know there won t even be a fight
there s a light on in joanie s room tonight
She thought she saw something that would lead her to believe, and all i want is one, call all the boys in from the fighting fronts
None of the soaring flight we dreamed, and all i want is one Election, call all the boys in from the fighting fronts
give all the faithful long-deserved rests
None of the soaring flight we dreamed, there s a light on the nineteenth floor tonight, who ll be chosen for affection
Nobody tells me, i don t waste them now
when they go to the final mats alone
You could be one of someone s hundreds, nobody tells me
When they go to the final mats alone, i ve got a feeling it s all rigged Game, we are finding no solution
I m the kind who ll accept the strokes and leave, we ve abandoned our dissentions, we have lost the revolution
i ve got a feeling it s over now
Nobody tells me, i don t waste them now, we have no more fixed intentions
there s a light on the nineteenth floor tonight
is any closer to perfection
We have lost the revolution, when they go to the final mats alone
Is any closer to perfection, i m the kind who ll accept the strokes and leave
we have no more fixed intentions
And all i want is one to fold my arms around, and all i want is one to fold my arms around
i ve got a feeling it ended a long time ago
There s a light on in joanie s room tonight, i ve got a feeling it ended a long time ago
i ve got a feeling it s over now
They don t know there won t even be a fight, i ve got a feeling it s over now Throwing, called my own
Give all the faithful long-deserved rests, call all the boys in from the fighting fronts
And she won t sleep till summer s going right, and she won t sleep till summer s going right, i ve got a feeling it s over now
Don t even waste the man-hours on us, they don t know there won t even be a fight
Give all the faithful long-deserved rests, we are finding no solution, none of the soaring flight we dreamed
There s a light on in joanie s room tonight, we have lost the revolution
I ve got a feeling it s over now, called my own
Nobody tells me, don t even waste the man-hours on us